Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment

Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment

Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment Dr Marzanna Pogorzelska Read more Dr. Marzanna Pogorzelska has been nominated for the position of the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment Dear Students, From now and on, the University of Opole is among the Polish...
The 2nd Central European International Week

The 2nd Central European International Week

II Central European International Week University of Opole Read moreGallery Guests from all over the world visited the Univeristy  Last Monday, for the second time in a row, the University of Opole witnessed the official opening of the Central European International...
UO students at Universities of Germany, Luxembourg and France

UO students at Universities of Germany, Luxembourg and France

UO students at Universities Germany, Luxembourg, France Read moreGallery Intercultural typography An international group of students from the University of Opole is working on  intercultural typography. They conduct interviews with users of different alphabets, ...
UO Hoodies

UO Hoodies

UO Hoodies are back! On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Univeristy of Opole, thanks to our colleagues from the Academic Career Centre, our students have an opportunity to yet again buy the Univeristy Hoodies. About The new hoodies are a result of the...
Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time 31.03.2019 Read more Dear Students, Warmer days are fast approaching. After the cold Winter season we all anxiuosuly awaited Spring. Luckily, it is finally time to bid our farewells to the cold weather and begin preparations for the warmer...
International Conference – UO International Week

International Conference – UO International Week

International Conference 9 April 2019 - UO Read more International Conference – Central European International Week at UO This year, for the second time, our University will host the Central European International Week.  For one week, our colleagues from partner...