Tuition fees 2024/2025

Tuition fees 2024/2025

Tuition fees 2024/2025 Tuition fees for the 2024/2025 academic year amount to: study programs in English (except English Philology and English in Public Communication): 3600 PLN/semester, approx. 800 EUR; English Philology and English in Public Communication: 2600...
International Students Office at education fair in Uzbekistan

International Students Office at education fair in Uzbekistan

International Students Office at education fair in Uzbekistan   From 16.04 to 20.04.2024 the representatives of Foreign Students Office have been representing UO while participating in “Education and Career” education fair in Uzbekistan. During the...
FORTHEM short-term mobility: Life & Vision

FORTHEM short-term mobility: Life & Vision

FORTHEM short-term mobility: Life & Vision Ogłaszamy rekrutację na krótkoterminową mobilność mieszaną “FORTHEM Life & Vision”, organizowaną przez Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Niemcy) na University of Agder (Norwegia), naszych partnerów w ramach Sojuszu...
2024/2025 admission open!

2024/2025 admission open!

2024/2025 admission open! We are happy to inform our candidates that the 2024/2025 admission is now open. You can read about the enrollment process and our offer here: Hello! and Online Recruitment System. Please contact us by MORE NEWS Erasmus +...