International Students Office at education fair in Uzbekistan


From 16.04 to 20.04.2024 the representatives of Foreign Students Office have been representing UO while participating in “Education and Career” education fair in Uzbekistan.

During the fair our Office has been actively promoting Opole University – numerous meetings were organized with secondary school candidates from Uzbekistan as well as other countries. Our representatives have showcased the vast educational offer of UO though engaging talks and utilized a promotional stand fully equipped with informative material. The UO stand was met with great interest among the young fair attendants who were able to receive more information about available study programmes, recruitment criteria, scholarship opportunities and matters related to stay in Poland during consultations.

An equally impoartant element of UO promotion during the stay in Uzbekistan was conducting group meetings with people interested in studying in Poland. One of the more important events of this kind was a meeting in the “Polish Lounge” Cultural Centre where representatives of our Office presented the educational offer of the University as well as discussed topics relating to nuances of education in Poland, academic culture and daily life of international students in Poland.

The educational fair in Uzbekistan resulted in a successful promotion of UO and establishing valuable contacts with foreign as well as polish institutions.

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