Electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester Dear Students! The first round of electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025 starts on June 03, 2024. It is...
Dear prospective students, We are pleased to invite you to join our Open Days at the University of Opole in 2024. This is a unique opportunity to receive all necessary information regarding admission, legalization of residence, documents, and more, as well as to ask...
International Students Office at education fair in Uzbekistan From 16.04 to 20.04.2024 the representatives of Foreign Students Office have been representing UO while participating in “Education and Career” education fair in Uzbekistan. During the...
FORTHEM short-term mobility: Life & Vision Ogłaszamy rekrutację na krótkoterminową mobilność mieszaną “FORTHEM Life & Vision”, organizowaną przez Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Niemcy) na University of Agder (Norwegia), naszych partnerów w ramach Sojuszu...
INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...
INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities How to Nominate and The Deadline. Language Requirements Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators...
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