W dniach 18-19.11.2019 Biuro Erasmus+ będzie nieczynne

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...

Additional Erasmus+ Programme recruitment results

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...

Wyniki dodatkowej rekrutacji na wyjazdy w ramach Programu Erasmus+

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...

Zmiana dotycząca akceptacji dokumentów Learning Agreement

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...