Welcome to the University of Opole! Our website was created for candidates and international students to present the university’s educational offer and also to make it easier for them to plan and stay in Opole. We hope that our website will provide all candidates and students with the necessary information and allow them to keep up to date with the events at the UO.

Добро пожаловать в Опольский университет! Наш сайт создан для кандидатов и иностранных студентов, чтобы рассказать больше о вступительной кампании, студенческой жизни, а также облегчить пребывание в Ополе. Надеемся, что наш сайт предоставит всем кандидатам и студентам необходимую информацию, а также позволит следить за текущими событиями на УО.

Witamy w Uniwersytecie Opolskim! Nasza strona została stworzona z myślą o kandydatach i studentach zagranicznych, aby zaprezentować im ofertę edukacyjną uniwersytetu, ale również ułatwić zaplanowanie i pobyt w Opolu.  Mamy nadzieję, że nasza strona dostarczy wszystkim kandydatom i studentom niezbędnych informacji, oraz pozwoli śledzić na bieżąca wydarzenia na UO.

You are on the website which was created for students and candidates  to make it easier to plan the arrival and life in Opole. You can find information how to become a student of the University of Opole, or if you are a student already, you can find information about the courses or the events organized by the university. For all interested, there is an information about Opole, services, entertainment, events, available extra activites, workshops, festivities, etc. Just surf the page, use the menu and find the information for yourself, or contact us.

Study for free with NAWA!

Study for free with NAWA!

Poland My First Choice is the programme addressed to people who want to study full-time courses at MA degree. The programme announced by NAWA Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange makes it possible to study for free at the chosen public university and offers a...

UO Job Fair!

UO Job Fair!

Dear Students! We would like to invite you to take part in the 9th edition of the UO Job Fair! The event is a great opportunity to find out about current job offers on the labor market. The Fair is organised with UO students and graduates in mind, as it provides an...

International Games Day – report

International Games Day – report

International Games Day is already behind us! Thank you for a great time and fun! We are happy that you came in such large numbers! We hope you enjoyed the event! It wouldn’t have been possible without your participation! We would like to thank the Office of...

Centrum Integracji Międzynarodowej

Centrum Integracji Międzynarodowej

  Dear Students! All foreigners are welcome to the Information Point at the Foreigners Integration Center, which provides support to non-EU foreigners and offers a wide range of activities and attractions. The Integration Center is an ideal place to meet new people,...

Warsztaty z komunikacji międzykulturowej dla pracowników UO

Warsztaty z komunikacji międzykulturowej dla pracowników UO

RELACJA FOTOGRAFICZNA Z WARSZTATÓW ZNAJDUJE SIĘ POD TEKSTEM     Szanowni Państwo, zapraszamy do udziału w warsztatach o tematyce związanej z międzykulturowością pod nazwą „#INTERLAB+”, w ramach działań typu TCA programu Erasmus+, organizowanych przez Fundację Rozwoju...

Admission has officially started!

Admission has officially started!

We are happy to announce that the admission for the 2023/2024 academic year has officially started! See our offer of study programmes here. Check the requirements on our website. Click here to register for the programme. And check deadlines here .   More...

Oral exams admission 2023/2024

Oral exams admission 2023/2024

Dear Candidates! The dates of the oral exams for admission 2023/2024 have been announced. We encourage you to get familiar with the the below-provided information and updates published in our language requirements section, as well as on our admission blog.More News

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Dear students! Wishing you the season filled with peace, joy, and beautiful weather. May you enjoy these days surrounded by friends, family, and plenty of chocolate! Please be informed that today we are working until 12p.m. The office will be open again...

Scholarship in New York

Scholarship in New York

Dear Students, We are pleased to announce the possibility of applying for the three-week Exchange Programs that will be held at State University of New York, Albany and New Paltz. The State University of New York is one of the most respected education systems in the...