Aktualności / News

Virtual OPEN DAYS 2023 | University of Opole

Virtual OPEN DAYS 2023 | University of Opole

Virtual OPEN DAYS 2023 | University of Opole   In May International Students Office will start a series of Virtual Open Days of the University of Opole for foreigners! We encourage you to attend the event to learn more about: Studies in Poland; The offer of study...

Finished projects

Biuro Wsparcia Integracji [trans. Integration Support Office] Lead time: January 2014 - June 2015 Funding source: COPE MSW FAMI – LIDER Budget:  242 095,80 PLN Aims of the project: developing and facilitating the process of integration between citizens of third...

Join us on WhatsApp!

Join us on WhatsApp!

In case of urgent inquiries, you can contact the International Students Office on WhatsApp, via +48 77 452 7496. Our Admission Blog with updates and tips regarding admission can also be accessed in the WhatsApp mobile application. You can view it by scanning the QR...