Drugs and Dark Webs: Users, Markets, Research

The course is designed as an introduction to the realms of psychoactive substances, the users, the markets and the social research on the topic. It covers the research on the users, the methods of social research of patterns of use and the illegal markets....

Economy & Society

The aim of the course “Economy & Society” is to analyze relationship between economy and society. There is assumption that economic activity is embedded in society, which means in historical context, cultural conditions, social structures. Economy is made by...
Students’ placement at Institute of Sociology, Opole University

Students’ placement at Institute of Sociology, Opole University

Incoming students Preparations Organisation of the academic year Courses in English Academic year 2016/2017 Archive Departmental coordinators Useful links Wyjeżdżający studenci Wyjazdy na studia Wyjazdy na praktykę Koordynatorzy wydziałowi Wyjeżdżający pracownicy...
Registration to courses in English for summer semester 2014/2015

Registration to courses in English for summer semester 2014/2015

Incoming students Preparations Organisation of the academic year Courses in English Academic year 2016/2017 Archive Departmental coordinators Useful links Wyjeżdżający studenci Wyjazdy na studia Wyjazdy na praktykę Koordynatorzy wydziałowi Wyjeżdżający pracownicy...