Zmiana lokalizacji Biura Erasmus+/Erasmus+ office relocation

Zmiana lokalizacji Biura Erasmus+/Erasmus+ office relocation

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...
Zmiana lokalizacji Biura Erasmus+/Erasmus+ office relocation

Zmiana godzin otwarcia Biura / Change in the office hours

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...
Szkolenie dla Koordynatorów Programu Erasmus+

Szkolenie dla Koordynatorów Programu Erasmus+

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy w ramach Programu Erasmus+

Dodatkowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy w ramach Programu Erasmus+

INCOMING STUDENTS University of Opole About UO Structure of the University Opole City Before Arrival List of the Partner Universities Online Registration Course Catalogue List of The Departmental Coordinators Accommodation Organization of the Academic Year Contact...