New organization of classes during 2022/2023 academic year

New organization of classes during 2022/2023 academic year

New organization of classes during 2022/2023 academic year Dear Students! Please be informed that according to the Regulation no. 90/2022 by the Rector of the University of Opole from 7 of November 2022, the new organization of classes has been implemented. Some...
Accommodation in the student dormitories

Accommodation in the student dormitories

Accommodation in the student dormitories Dear Students!   Places in the student dormitories for candidates and students for the upcoming 2022/2023 were allocated.   The list of names and surnames were posted on the Campus website.   In the case you do...

Nowe dni przyjmowania studentów

Biuro ds. Studentów Zagranicznych nieczynne w środy! Szanowni Studenci!   Ze względu na rosnącą ilością obowiązków związaną z trwającą rekrutacją, dni przyjmowania studentów  ulegają zmianie:   Poniedziałek – 10:00 – 14:00 Wtorek – 10:00 – 14:00 Środa...
New office hours

New office hours

International Students Office closed on Wednesdays Dear Students!   Please be informed that due to the growing amount of work connected to admission process, the schedule of our office hours  changes: Monday – 10 am. – 2 pm. Tuesday – 10 am. – 2 pm....