On 5th of December we wake up early. Summer semester variable course registration

Dear students,

On the 5th of December a registration for variable courses is going to open. At the University of Opole each semester (apart from the first one) you can choose one course from any faculty of the University. On the 5th of December you register to a course you are going to attend in the summer semester. All the courses take place on Mondays’ evenings – this way they will not collide with your other classes.

Note that the places for each course are limited. If you want to make sure to you will be able to register to the class of your choice, I recommend waking up early and registering as soon as the registration opens (which is at 8). You will be competing for the places with your fellow students. Moreover, if there are only a couple of people registered for a course, it will not run. So choose wisely and remember you can deregister and choose another course until 7th December.

Choosing a course can be time consuming, so I recommend you spend some time on Sunday looking through them. It feels like shopping.


Here is the list of the English-language courses the University organizes:


Course title Don’t register if you study Faculty

How to organize your time successfully?

Faculty of Economics

Living in the box

Faculty of Economics

Lower cost of living

Faculty of Economics

Creative thinking training

English Philology

English in Public Communication

Faculty of Philology
Humorous discourse English Philology

Faculty of Philology

The Vikings English Philology

English in Public Communication

Faculty of Philology
Improving English pronunciation English Philology Faculty of Philology
Australian life and institutions Faculty of Philology
Introduction to Family Studies Faculty of Social Sciences*
Intercultural competences as the key to effective communication in the global world Faculty of Social Sciences*
Project Based Learning – theory and practice Faculty of Social Sciences*
Interpersonal skills – practical workshops Faculty of Social Sciences*
Gender issues in Eastern European countries Faculty of Social Sciences*
Human Rights Faculty of Social Sciences*
How To Train Your Dragon – Understanding and Taming European Union Faculty of Social Sciences*
American Philosophy Faculty of Social Sciences*
Business Ethics Faculty of Social Sciences*
Facebook and the Likes: Critical Sociology of Social Media Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences*
Drugs and Dark Webs: Users, Markets, Research Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences*
Education and Labour Market – Ideology and Social Practice Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences*
The Contemporary Ideas of University Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences*
A Research Project of Yours. Designing, Collecting Data and Mixed Methods Analysis for Social Scientists Conducting Their Own Studies Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences*
English in natural sciences Faculty of Chemistry
Wise consumption – allowed and not allowed food ingredients Faculty of Chemistry
Are we alone? Biological considerations about possibilities of the existence of life in space Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
What use will You have from knowledge of biology in case of the “Blackout”? Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
Practical English in Biotechnology Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
Basics of Biophysics Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
Violence and religion Faculty of Theology
Culture of the United Kingdom English Philology Foreign Languages Centre
Regions in the European Union (introduction to self-territorial government in a comparative perspective) Faculty of Law and Administration
How to think like lawyer? – legal reasoning and argumentation Faculty of Law and Administration
Legal cultures in the world Faculty of Law and Administration
Law and community Faculty of Law and Administration
Health training – Crossfit Physical Education Centre
Badminton – an alternative activity Physical Education Centre
Full body workout – general training Physical Education Centre
Bodybuilding Physical Education Centre
Recreation bicycle

Physical Education Centre

*on USOS you can still see former name – Faculty of History and Education


If you would like to learn more about the course, you need to find it on USOSweb. After you log into the website, go into the “Directory” card and type the name of the course in the “Course” category.


Make sure the language of the course is what you desire it to be:


In order to register, go to the end of the page, find this year’s summer semester and click on the shopping basket (you will only be able to do that successfully starting from 5th December’s morning).


You will be asked to choose a group (usually there is only one). When you choose it, you should see a note confirming the registration.

Note that the Physical Education Centre’s instructors may not speak English very well and you might need the help of your Polish-speaking friends or groupmates if there is any theoretical knowledge they would need to share with you.

In case of doubts, don’t hesitate to ask your more experienced co-students for assistance.

Good luck!

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