SJO invites all students to read the terms and conditions of registration for summer semester language courses and registration for foreign language exams in the summer session.

The registration is conducted on the USOSweb platform in student’s section > registrations > token registrations. 

All necessary information about the registration can be found here.

Before the registration please check your USOS account and amount of tokens assigned to your account.

Registration schedule:

  • Language course registration for the summer semester 2024/2025:

    – 10.01 – 24.01.2025 – for year I and II (for students who haven’t yet began their language course)
    – 15.02.2025 – registration confirmation

  • Exam registration for winter session:

    – 10.01 – 24.01.2024


During the registration please take note of the group names:

  • PRZEPIS LEKTORATU” is a group for students with appropriate QUALIFICATION for transferring a course completion which allows them to SKIP THE COURSE CLASSES
  • PRZEPIS EGZAMINU(Z CERTYFIKATEM)” are exam groups for students who have an appropriate B2 level certificate which allows them to transfer the exam grade. These students need to register for a course in a different language to pass the mandated 120h of language courses at any level.

The consequence of a wrong registration by the student’s fault is a loss of the token.

FORTHEM collective short-term mobility – PhD course “The city and its citizens: exploring planning processes”

FORTHEM collective short-term mobility – PhD course “The city and its citizens: exploring planning processes”

Would you like to take part in a week-long activity as part of a group of international students? This programme gives you the opportunity to meet physically on site in one of the nine FORTHEM universities with around 25 other students.In this PhD course we will focus...