Aktualności / News
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na studia i praktyki w sem. letnim r. ak. 2023/2024 w ramach Programu Erasmus+
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia i praktyki za granicą w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w semestrze letnim r.ak. 2023/2024!* Rekrutacja potrwa od 02.10.2023 do 10.10.2023** ***JAK APLIKOWAĆ NA MOBILNOŚĆ NA STUDIA: W zakładce Uczelnie Partnerskie znajdź swoją...
online Career Orientation Courses – JGU Mainz
Dear students, Below you can get familiar with the offer of online courses organized by our partner - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. ______________________________________________________________________ Are you looking for your ideal career choice after...
Call for STM projects within FORTHEM
Faculties, departments, Student Union and other actors can apply for a FORTHEM Short Term Mobility status for their 5-day intensive courses. The deadline for applications is 13/09/2023, and the programmes should be organized between 01/03/2024 and...
Rekrutacja FORTHEM – University of Agder
Ogłaszamy rekrutację na krótkoterminową mobilność mieszaną “FORTHEM Summer School: Entrepreneurship and Crowdfunding”, organizowaną przez University of Agder (Norwegia), naszego partnera w ramach Konsorcjum FORTHEM. Warunkiem przyjęcia wniosku aplikacyjnego jest...
Rekrutacja pracowników na wyjazdy w ramach Programu Erasmus+
Szanowni Państwo, Biuro Nauki i Obsługi Projektów/Zespół ds. mobilności międzynarodowej zaprasza Państwa do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji pracowników na wyjazdy w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w roku akademickim 2023/2024 Rekrutacja jest skierowana do pracowników...
Additional recruitment for mobilieties for traineeships within the Erasmus+ Programme
ATTENTION: Recruitment is only for traineeships planned for the summer break (the time of traineeship: from 1 July to 30 September 2023)! HOW TO APPLY FOR MOBILITY FOR TRAINEESHIP: With the Erasmus + Program you can also perform an internship, as an obligatory...
Festival of cultures
Festival of culturesDear Students! We are delighted to inform you about the upcoming event at the University of Opole - the "Festival of cultures" which will take place at the end of April or the beginning of May. The purpose of this event is to collectively...
online conference “The Development of Best Practices in Doctors of Philosophy Training”
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University kindly invites their international colleagues to participate in the upcoming conference "The Development of Best Practices in Doctors of Philosophy Training". The conference will be conducted in an ONLINE format. All...
Workshop on disabilities and accessibility
We would like to invite you to register for workshops on disabilities and accessibility, organized within the project Open University of Opole – building capacity for internationalization funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange in the Welcome to...
Registration for workshops on multiculturalism and cultural intelligence
We would like to invite everyone to register for workshops on cultural intelligence and multiculturalism, organized within the project Open University of Opole – building capacity for internationalization funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange in...
Token registration for foreign language courses and exams
SJO invites all students to read the terms and conditions of registration for summer semester language courses and registration for foreign language exams in the summer session. The registration is conducted on the USOSweb platform in student's section >...
Kolejny projekt Partnerstw Strategicznych zakończony sukcesem!
Realizowany na Uniwersytecie Opolskim w terminie od 01.11.2020 do 31.08.2023 projekt Partnerstw Strategicznych KA203 (Nr. 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081905) pn. „Innowacyjne kształcenie studentów nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu, wynikające z lepszego dostosowania oferty...