Registration and enrollment
We are recruiting students for our Masters’ Programme in Intercultural Communication. You can still enroll here. After having set up the account in our Online Registration System ( see the instructions:)
you can complete the documents. We are waiting for the first round of recruitment to finish on July 17 and after this day we start accepting your documents. It is still possible to register and enroll after July 17, but the number of available slots is limited to 20 maximum. We are waiting for the documents till the end of September, but in order to get your invitation for visa and other formalities – we strongly advise to proceed with the documents as soon as possible.
Grading system
It is important to submit the information about your bachelor diploma final grade, since it is the basis of the admission procedure. If you obtained a BA diploma (or master’s degree) from your country, the grading system may differ. Using our Online Registration System, you can only input equivalents of Polish grades. This is why you need to be careful, refer to online sources to understand the differences between the grading systems and translate your grade into Polish scale:
- your grade in Poland is – 2.0 (unsatisfactory) if you fall into: 0–50%
- your grade in Poland is – 3.0 (satisfactory) if you fall into: 51–60%
- your grade in Poland is – 3.5 (satisfactory plus) if you fall into: 61–70%
- your grade in Poland is – 4.0 (good) if you fall into: 71–80%
- your grade in Poland is – 4.5 (good plus) if you fall into: 81–90%
- your grade in Poland is – 5.0 (very good) if you fall into: 91–100%
For example: if you have 2.82 on your Turkish diploma, this translates into 78.2%, since the maximum grade is 4.0. Hence, your Polish equivalent is (good) or 4.0 and you should put this grade into our Online Registration System.
Recruitment fee
It is very important that you transfer the recruitment fee to our university bank account (you have your personal account number in the Online Registration System) – the SWIFT number for international transfers is: WBK PP LPP.
Without the fee (85 PLN) we cannot process your application. Make sure you transfer enough money, so the bank fees and exchange rates will not cut the amount of money below 85 zloty. If you have colleagues in Poland – it could be maybe convenient to ask them to transfer the money from their Polish accounts and you would just reimburse them when possible.
The documents
- An application form signed by the candidate (printout from the Online Registration System IRK). Just log in to your account and print it.
- An application to Rector with the request for being accepted without following regular admission procedures (download a form here).
- An original of the secondary school certificate obtained abroad. The documents require an apostille ( Typically you need to ask your ministry for that. (*)
- The degree certificate confirming the graduation from bachelor level studies or master’s degree studies. The documents require an apostille ( Typically you need to ask your ministry for that. (*)
- Insurance policy against health risks or accident for the time of education in Poland or the European Health Insurance Card that will cover minimum of 30 000 EUR worth medical costs.
- Photocopy of passport, visa, residence card or other document authorizing the stay in the Republic of Poland – in the case of foreigners from outside the European Union, the Swiss Confederation or EFTA member states – of European Agreement about the free trade.
- The contract between you and the University of Opole (download from here in Polish) [sign 2 copies] and in English [sign 2 copies] – (download from here in English).
- Two photographs (including one digital image) in accordance with requirements applied at issuing identity cards (35×45 mm) – and a digital version of it uploaded to the Online Registration System.
- Health certificate stating that your health condition enables you to study. This one, we will prepare in Poland – free of charge – just make sure you are in a good health condition, please.
- Application for dormitory – if needed (download from here). Refer to the academic calendar of the academic year 2016/2017 to specify the dates of your stay in the application.
- Application for invitation – a simple form with your personal data that will allow us to issue an official invitation for you (download from here).
* All required documents issued in a foreign language should be translated by a certified translator into English (or Ukrainian, Russian or German). We will have them translated into Polish for you free of charge.
Delivering the documents
Important! You can either, send/bring us the documents or just email us the scans (at
If you are emailing us the scans of the documents, please, include: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11 from the list above and no 10 if you need a place in dormitory. No 7 and 8 will be completed once you will come to our recruitment committee.
Alternatively, if you are in Poland or are into posting, you can bring or mail us the documents. Pack them into a white, simple cardboard folder and bring or send them to:
Institute of Sociology, University of Opole Katowicka 89, 45–061 Opole, Poland with a note 'Intercultural Communication' (if you are doing it yourself: room no 338, Mon - Fri, 7.30AM - 3.30PM)
The interviews
As you know – we really want to get to know you, before we start learning together. This is why, an interview is a part of the recruitment process. We can conduct the interview in Opole, once you will arrive here or do it online over a video chat app. Please, email us at to let us know, when do you want to talk to us. You have time until the end of September.
Acceptance and the following steps
After we receive the package or (email of scans of) your documents we will be able to issue an acceptance letter for you. If your stay in Poland require a visa or other kinds of permit (and if you are a foreigner it typically does) – this is the document you would use to obtain it. Contact us, if you have good reasons for coming earlier than in academic year (starting in October). Make sure, you completed the application for invitation (document no 11 from the list above).
Next, you can be coming to Opole! The semester starts on Oct 1, but it makes sense to be here for orientation week at the end of September. We invite and advise you to come at least on Sept 26*. Once you are here, we will complete the recruitment procedure:
- Bring the originals (you are bringing them) and the translated copies (we have them, if you have sent it) in English (or Ukrainian, Russian or German). We will have them translated into Polish free of charge.
- Meet the recruiting committee for the English qualification interview (we are assuming that if you want to study in English with us, this will be just a formality – remember? We asked you to email us to set up the meeting).
- Regulate your stay in Poland at the foreigners office. (Do not worry, we have a special office for integration at the University, you will be assisted.)
* If you want to come a bit earlier for orientation – just email us about it.
The tuition fee
Nominally, the tuition fee is 2000 EUR per academic year, but you are entitled to apply for a discount. Typically, the rector agrees for a 900 EUR per year fee. You can also apply for paying in installments – 450 EUR per semester.
- Application for discount (download the form).
- Application for payment in installments (download the form).
The first fee must be transferred to the University of Opole account by Oct 10.

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