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More News

Turkish Language Summer Course 2017

Turkish Language Summer Course 2017

The Turkish Embassy in Warsaw invites you to a Turkish Language Summer Course which is going to be held in Konya in Turkey between 24 July and 20 August. To apply, one needs to speak at least basic Turkish. All the necessary information as well as the application form...

Micro-Cultures of Gender International Conference

Micro-Cultures of Gender International Conference

Just two weeks ago, on the first of June, we had an opportunity to listen to recognized scholars who took part in a conference organized by the soon-to-be graduates of Applied Gender Studies, the Institute of Sociology, and the Faculty of Philology of the University...

Afghanistan Cultural Night at the University of Opole

Afghanistan Cultural Night at the University of Opole

The event will be held at the Student Culture Center on June 13 at 8 pm. It is organized by the group of a dozen Afghan students who came to Opole to study at the Institute of Sociology within the framework of Erasmus+ programme for partner countries (Key Action 107)...

International Summer School (Coruña, Spain)

International Summer School (Coruña, Spain)

Dear students, Your personal development is a highest priority for us that is why we always share valuable information with you and never keep to ourselves the events which would give you an opportunity to improve your language skills, get some professional skills,...

Europe-Mobile (deadline for applications June 14, 2017)

Europe-Mobile (deadline for applications June 14, 2017)

Dear students, If you still don't have plans for September, we encourage you to submit your application for participation in the international youth project "Europe-Mobile". You have a chance to become one of 20 motivated students from various countries of the EU, who...



Dear Students, Attention please! There are no classes on Monday (after 12 pm) until Wednesday. It’s time to start the Piastonalia, series of events which connect all students in Opole. What kind of attractions await us in the coming week? Multiply numbers of concerts,...

Winter Semester 2017/2018 Variable Course Registration

Winter Semester 2017/2018 Variable Course Registration

Dear students, This Monday, the 8th of May, at 8 a.m., a registration for the winter semester variable course will open. You might remember the procedure, although to refresh it in your memory go here. As usual, we advise you to go to USOSweb and look through the...

Quo Vadis, Iuvenis?

Quo Vadis, Iuvenis?

Some of our students never miss a chance to develop their professional skills, broaden their horizons, travel and meet new people, participating in the conferences. Arif Siswanto, our Intercultural Communication MA student, has kindly agreed to share his experience...

VIII Giełda Pracy University of Opole

VIII Giełda Pracy University of Opole

On May 10, 2017 we invite you all to participate in VIII Giełda Pracy of the University of Opole organised by Academicki Centrum Karier UO. This is the event held annually to make it easier for the students and graduates to find out about job offers, internships and...

Relacje z Chinami / Relations with China

Relacje z Chinami / Relations with China

One Belt One Road - wiele szans, wiele możliwości - pod takim hasłem we wtorek 25 kwietnia odbyła się w Opolu konferencja polsko-chińska. Jej głównym organizatorem był Wojewoda Opolski a współorganizatorami Urząd Miasta Opola oraz Politechnika Opolska. Uniwersytet...

Holy Saturday Trip around Opole

Holy Saturday Trip around Opole

It is Easter time for Roman Catholics and other Christian denominations. Starting as early as last Thursday, the religious and traditional celebrations begun. The main holiday is on Sunday, when it is believed that Jesus Christ resurrected. Some Poles celebrate it...

A Trip to Zdzieszowice

A Trip to Zdzieszowice

Dear students, The group of the Art Projects in Public Space course has decided to visit the nearby town of Zdzieszowice together and has planned the trip for this Saturday. We are meeting at 8.45 a.m. at the main train station in Opole. The plan is to take a walk...

Coming Soon: Easter Break

Coming Soon: Easter Break

Dear students, Soon in Poland we will be observing Easter. Apart from being a Christian celebration, the family festivity is a tradition in Poland and a large part of it has little to do with religion. Along with Christmas, it's one of the two most important holidays...

Play the Game

Play the Game

Very often, once grown up, we forget how cool it is to play games. Last week, prof. Susan Yelich Biniecki, a visiting scholar from US, reminded the Intercultural Communication students that games can be very useful revealing a lot about life, justice, our cultures and...

Meet David Malcolm

Meet David Malcolm

A meeting with Professor David Malcolm, who is a writer, translator and university teacher, will be held on March 30, 2017, at 10:00 am in Collegium Maius, room 206.

Sunday Warning

Sunday Warning

As we have already reported (e.g. here: ), there have been some political difficulties with right wingers in Poland recently. But the policy of our government and their legislation is not the one and...