In order to plan your stay at the Uni of Opole and get the most of your time off in Poland, please, have a look at our academic calendar of the University of Opole for 2016/2017 as well as the national holidays and breaks.

  • Adaptation Day:  30.09.2016 (Friday) – one day before the semester officially starts – all the incoming students are welcome at the university.
  • Adaptation Week for exchange students: 3 – 7.10.2016 – a week of introduction to the university and Opole for those who came here for a short term study (Erasmus+ etc.).
  • Inauguration of the Year:  04.10.2016 (Tuesday) – official ceremony at the University (held in Polish language).
  • The University Day:  10.03.2017 (Friday) – another anniversary of establishing the Uni of O (typically a day off classes – you are welcome to join official celebrations, in Polish…)

Fall Term

  • Regular classes: 03.10.2016 – 26.01.2017* (*25 and 26 January 2017 – (Wednesday and Thursday) classes will be held according to schedule proposed for Friday)
  • 31.10.2016 Day off
  • Christmas break: 24.12.2016 – 01.01.2017
  • Exam session: 27.01.2017 – 09.02.2017 (Classes are over, only the exams are held. Refer to your professor or syllabus to see whether your course concludes with an exam or some in-class form of evaluation. In the latter case, your course – including the grading – will finish max. on Jan 26.)
  • Winter break: 10.02.2017 – 12.02.2017
  • Make-up exam session: 13.02.2017 – 24.02.2017 (For those who re-take exams failed in the session. Technically, it is the spring term already.)

Spring Term

  • Regular classes: 13.02.2017 – 09.06.2017
  • Easter break: 13.04.2017 – 19.04.2017
  • Day off: 02.05.2017 (Refer to the list of holidays below to understand, what we call in Poland a ‘May’s weekend’.)
  • Exam session: 12.06.2017 – 26.06.2017 (Classes are over, only the exams are held. Refer to your professor or syllabus to see whether your course concludes with an exam or some in-class form of evaluation. In the latter case, your course – including the grading – will finish max. on June 9.)
  • Make-up exam session: 04.09.2017 – 17.09.2017 (For those who re-take exams failed in the session.)


Public holidays

  • New Year’s Eve – January 1
  • Epiphany – January 6
  • Easter – April 16-17
  • Labour Day – May 1
  • Constitution Day – May 3
  • Corpus Christi – June 15
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15
  • All Saints’ Day – November 1
  • Independence Day – November 11
  • Christmas – December 25-26
Erasmus+: Sara in Ankara

Erasmus+: Sara in Ankara

Hello Everyone! It's time for a new story about an Erasmus experience! Sara will tell us about her adventures in Ankara, Turkey 🙂 Hey Sara! Please tell us something about yourself 🙂 Hello everyone! 🙂 My name’s Sara and I’m 25 years old. I’m from Poland and...

Erasmus+: Vicky in Padova

Erasmus+: Vicky in Padova

Hello Everyone! It's time for a new story about an Erasmus experience! Victoria will tell us about her adventures in Padova,Italy 🙂   Hey Victoria! Please tell us something about yourself 🙂 Hello, my name is Victoria, but many foreigners are used to calling me...