Aktualności / News
Three is a crowd – exhibition in GSW
Dear Students,The Contemporary Art Gallery in Opole (Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej) invites all English speaking art lovers to the guided tour through the exhibitions "Three is a Crowd" by Zygmunt Moryto. The tour will take place on Thursday, 23 March 2023, at 6pm. The...
New recruitment for mobilieties for traineeship and studies during 2023/2024 a.y.
New recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship within the framework of the Erasmus + Program during the 2023/2024 ay.* The recruitment will last from 27.02.2023 to 10.03.2023 ** HOW TO APPLY FOR MOBILITY FOR STUDY: In the section, Partner Universities...
Nowa rekrutacja na studia i praktyki w w roku ak. 2023/2024
Rusza nowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia i praktyki za granicę w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w roku ak. 2023/2024!* Rekrutacja potrwa od 27.02.2023 do 10.03.2023*JAK APLIKOWAĆ NA MOBILNOŚĆ NA STUDIA: W zakładce Uczelnie Partnerskie znajdź swoją jednostkę i zobacz...
Webinarium – Partnerstwa współpracy (Cooperation Partnerships)
Szanowni Państwo, w imieniu Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus+ i Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności serdecznie zapraszamy na webinarium poświęcone Partnerstwom współpracy (Cooperation Partnerships) dla szkolnictwa wyższego w ramach Programu Erasmus+, które odbędzie...
Godziny otwarcia w dniu 25.01/ Office hours on 25.01
Due to the participation of the Erasmus+ Team in a training, on January 25th the office will be open from 2:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. W związku z udziałem pracowników biura w szkoleniu, w dniu 25 stycznia biuro będzie otwarte w godzinach 14:00-15:30
ReThink Finance: Second Transnational Project Meeting in Siena!
In May 2023 there is next Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) planned to be hosted by the University of Siena within ReThink Finance project led at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Opole! Partners from Sibiu, Siena, Gran Canaria, Brussels and Opole will...
Year 2021/2022 in numbers
1867 verified applications in admission for the 2022/2023 academic year; 840 – general number of full-time international students; more than 500 participants in language exams; 453international students admitted in the 2022/2023 academic year; 236 international...
International Christmas dinner
Experience the magic of a multicultural Christmas celebration with your fellow students from University of Opole at our Intercultural Christmas Dinner on 21st December that will be held in student's club "Skrzat" from 5 pt to 9 pm. As the holiday season approaches,...
International education fair “Education and Career” in Kazakhstan – report
Between November 22 and 24 representatives of International Students Office took part in an international education fair "Education and Career" in Kazakhstan. During our visit we have met numerous candidates from various middle schools in Almaty as well as from...
The 6th edition of Direct to Recognition conference
International Students Office extends competencies! On the 5th of December, representatives of our office participated in the 6th edition of the Direct to Recognition conference organized by the National Agency of International Exchange. The main topics of the...
Photography contest results / Wyniki konkursu fotograficznego
Photography contest results As part of the "UO in a Multicultural Melting Pot - multiculturalism in academia" project, a photography contest was held to present the perspective of students studying at the University of Opole and to entice potential future...
Electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses starts on the 1st of December
The first round of electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024 starts on December 01, 2023. It is important that each student, before registering in their account usosweb.uni.opole.pl checks...