Welcome to the University of Opole! Our website was created for candidates and international students to present the university’s educational offer and also to make it easier for them to plan and stay in Opole. We hope that our website will provide all candidates and students with the necessary information and allow them to keep up to date with the events at the UO.

Добро пожаловать в Опольский университет! Наш сайт создан для кандидатов и иностранных студентов, чтобы рассказать больше о вступительной кампании, студенческой жизни, а также облегчить пребывание в Ополе. Надеемся, что наш сайт предоставит всем кандидатам и студентам необходимую информацию, а также позволит следить за текущими событиями на УО.

Witamy w Uniwersytecie Opolskim! Nasza strona została stworzona z myślą o kandydatach i studentach zagranicznych, aby zaprezentować im ofertę edukacyjną uniwersytetu, ale również ułatwić zaplanowanie i pobyt w Opolu.  Mamy nadzieję, że nasza strona dostarczy wszystkim kandydatom i studentom niezbędnych informacji, oraz pozwoli śledzić na bieżąca wydarzenia na UO.

You are on the website which was created for students and candidates  to make it easier to plan the arrival and life in Opole. You can find information how to become a student of the University of Opole, or if you are a student already, you can find information about the courses or the events organized by the university. For all interested, there is an information about Opole, services, entertainment, events, available extra activites, workshops, festivities, etc. Just surf the page, use the menu and find the information for yourself, or contact us.

Erasmus + Office hours on 25.04.2024

Erasmus + Office hours on 25.04.2024

On April 25, 2024 Erasmus+ office will be open until 2 p.m. Erasmus+ TeamW dniu 25.04.2024 biuro Erasmus+ będzie otwarte do godziny 14. Erasmus+ Team

Erasmus office hours on 08.03.2024

Erasmus office hours on 08.03.2024

On March 8, 2024, the Office for Research and Project Management (including Erasmus+) will be open until 1 p.m. Erasmus+ TeamW dniu 08.03.2024 Biuro Nauki i Obsługi Projektów (w tym Erasmus+) będzie otwarte do godziny 13. Erasmus+ Team

Workshops on disabilities and accessibility successfully concluded!

Workshops on disabilities and accessibility successfully concluded!

  We have successfully concluded another workshop for students, this time on the topic of disabilities and accessibility.🤗   During the meeting students had the opportunity to get detailed information in regard to the notion of disability and the lives of people...

Festival of cultures

Festival of cultures

Festival of culturesDear Students! We are delighted to inform you about the upcoming event at the University of Opole - the "Festival of cultures"  which will take place at the end of April or the beginning of May. The purpose of this event is to collectively...

Workshop on disabilities and accessibility

Workshop on disabilities and accessibility

  We would like to invite you to register for workshops on disabilities and accessibility, organized within the project Open University of Opole – building capacity for internationalization funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange in the Welcome to...

Token registration for foreign language courses and exams

Token registration for foreign language courses and exams

SJO invites all students to read the terms and conditions of registration for summer semester language courses and registration for foreign language exams in the summer session. The registration is conducted on the USOSweb platform in student's section >...