Welcome to the University of Opole! Our website was created for candidates and international students to present the university’s educational offer and also to make it easier for them to plan and stay in Opole. We hope that our website will provide all candidates and students with the necessary information and allow them to keep up to date with the events at the UO.

Добро пожаловать в Опольский университет! Наш сайт создан для кандидатов и иностранных студентов, чтобы рассказать больше о вступительной кампании, студенческой жизни, а также облегчить пребывание в Ополе. Надеемся, что наш сайт предоставит всем кандидатам и студентам необходимую информацию, а также позволит следить за текущими событиями на УО.

Witamy w Uniwersytecie Opolskim! Nasza strona została stworzona z myślą o kandydatach i studentach zagranicznych, aby zaprezentować im ofertę edukacyjną uniwersytetu, ale również ułatwić zaplanowanie i pobyt w Opolu.  Mamy nadzieję, że nasza strona dostarczy wszystkim kandydatom i studentom niezbędnych informacji, oraz pozwoli śledzić na bieżąca wydarzenia na UO.

You are on the website which was created for students and candidates  to make it easier to plan the arrival and life in Opole. You can find information how to become a student of the University of Opole, or if you are a student already, you can find information about the courses or the events organized by the university. For all interested, there is an information about Opole, services, entertainment, events, available extra activites, workshops, festivities, etc. Just surf the page, use the menu and find the information for yourself, or contact us.

meet Julia

meet Julia

Some of you may already know Julia, our Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. She came to Opole for the first time in August 2019.  Unfortunately, in the spring she had to return to the US due to the pandemic.But Julia did not forget Poland and as soon as the...

Indian Council for Cultural Relations Scholarship

Indian Council for Cultural Relations Scholarship

Dear Students!   The Indian Embassy in Warsaw has announced the new edition of the ICCR program under General Scholarship Scheme for the academic year 2021/2022. The scholarship is organized and co-funded by the Government of India and the Indian Council for...

short-term mobilities FORTHEM

short-term mobilities FORTHEM

FORTHEM aims to open up new possibilities for students to travel and study in these different universities. Between 15th of March and 20th of April 2021, students from all of the alliance universities are invited to apply for short-term mobilities! There are two...

Alexa from Mexico

Alexa from Mexico

Alexa Villegas Estrada​ - third-year student at International Business program   Dear Students, We are happy to share with you one more story of our amazing international student. Meet Alexa from Mexico, a third-year student at the International Business program.Why...

UO Psychological and Therapeutic Support Center

UO Psychological and Therapeutic Support Center

Dear Students, We are very pleased to inform you about opening of UO Psychological and Therapeutic Support Center. The support center started operating on February 15 this year, and it’s goal is to provide students and employees of the University of Opole...

Prof. Sveinung Sandberg – online seminar

Prof. Sveinung Sandberg – online seminar

Polish Sociological Association, Opole branch and the Interdisciplinary Lab for Social Space and Art, UO invite to an online seminar with Prof. Sveinung Sandberg of the University of Oslo entitled: Narrative analysis of crime and deviance The event is scheduled for...

Erasmus+: mobilności STA i STT dla pracowników

Erasmus+: mobilności STA i STT dla pracowników

Szanowni Państwo, Pandemia koronawirusa znacznie utrudniła nam realizację mobilności międzynarodowych w ramach Programu Erasmus+. Ograniczenia w podróżowaniu oraz przejście większości uczelni europejskich na kształcenie zdalne utrudniło zaplanowanie wyjazdów...

Ogłoszenie/ Announcement

Ogłoszenie/ Announcement

Due to safety reasons we kindly ask you to visit the Erasmus+ Office individually (not in groups).  Visits will be possible by prior arrangement erasmus@uni.opole.pl +48 77 452 7353 Z uwagi na względy bezpieczeństwa bardzo prosimy o odwiedzanie Biura Erasmus+...