Erasmus KA107

study in albania or montenegro
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Dear Students,

The only chance to study under the Erasmus+ Programme in Albania or Montenegro during the winter term 2021-2022. We have only 2 places for the best students!
5-mouth stay granted with 3500 EUR plus financial support for journey (275 EUR).
The list of partner universities and UO department entitled to apply is available here:
The recruitment lasts until 14th May 2021. The list of documents is listed below.
    • Application form (Dokumenty do pobrania KA107 2019-2021 | Hello Uni Opole!)
    • CV
    • Motivation letter including issues discussed in Evaluation form of an applicant
    • Student’s status statement (available at the Dean’s Office),
    • Transcript of records of the semesters already finished within the study cycle (available at the Dean’s Office),
    • Overal grade statement (available at the Dean’s Office),
    • Other certificates confirming scientific achievements of an applicant and issues discussed in the Evaluation Form
    • Confirmation of language proficiency (min. B1 – to be discussed with partner institution); certificate issued by UO Foreign Language Centre or other certificates are accepted. Statement issued by Erasmus+ Coordinator confirming applicant’s language competence is also accepted.
    • Co-financing statement
    • Other documents specified by Erasmnus+ Coordinator (if applicable)
Do not wait! Go to your Erasmus+ Coordinator with the documents required today!
List of Erasmus+ Coordinators: koordynatorzy | Hello Uni Opole!


Jedyna taka okazja wyjazdu w ramach Programu Erasmus+ do Albanii lub Czarnogóry w semestrze zimowym 2021-2022. Mamy miejsce tylko dla 2 najlepszych studentów!
Wyjazd oznacza 5-miesięczny pobyt z dofinansowaniem 3500 EUR oraz wsparciem finansowym na pokrycie kosztów podróży w wysokości 275 EUR.
Rekrutacja trwa od 30.04.2021 do 14.05.2021 r.  Lista wymaganych dokumentów znajduje się tutaj: Zasady-rekrutacji-SMS-call-2019.pdf (
Nie czekaj! Przygotuj dokumentację i zgłoś się do swojego Koordynatora Programu Erasmus+ do 14.05.2021 r.

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