Aktualności / News
Krótkoterminowe mobilności studenckie w ramach Konsorcjum FORTHEM
FORTHEM ma na celu stworzenie studentom nowych możliwości podróżowania i studiowania na różnych uczelniach. Od 15 stycznia do 15 lutego zachęcamy studentów wszystkich uniwersytetów należących do konsorcjum do ubiegania się o mobilność krótkoterminową w 2020 roku. ...
Short-term students mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance
FORTHEM aims to open up new possibilities for students to travel and study in these different universities. Between 15th January and 15th February, students from all of the alliance universities are invited to apply for short-term mobility in 2020. Two new...
How to write motivational letters for FORTHEM ALLIANCE mobilities
A workshop with prof. Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska, Institute of Linguistics 3 February 2020, 12:00-14:00, room 208 Collegium Maius
On 5th Dec the Erasmus+ office will be closed
On 5th Dec the Erasmus+ office will be closed. Due to a training for Erasmus+ coordinators, on Thursday (5.12.2019), the Erasmus+ Office will be closed. In case of emergency cases please contact the Office via email. Erasmus+ Team mail: erasmus@uni.opole.pl...
On 18-19.11.2019 the Erasmus+ office will be closed
W dniach 18-19.11.2019 Biuro Erasmus+ będzie nieczynne
W dniach 18-19.11.2019 (poniedziałek i wtorek) Biuro Programu Erasmus+ będzie zamknięte z powodu konieczności przygotowania się do audytu zewnętrznego. W sprawach pilnych prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny. W sprawach bieżących prosimy o kontakt mailowy. Zespół Programu...
Sreyphea from Cambodia
Hello everyone! Our next guest's name is Sreyphea who decided to come all the way from Cambodia to Poland! Hi Sreyphea! Can I ask you to introduce yourself to our audience, please? Hi everyone! My name is Sreyphea. I am 23 years old and I come from Cambodia. I study...
Staff mobility – visit to the University of Mazandaran, Iran
We encourage you to check the PRESENTATION on the visit of the teachers of the University of Opole to our iranian partner.Professors of the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Social Sciences visited the University of Mazandaran within the Erasmus +...
Hengly from Cambodia in Opole
Hello everyone! We have another special guest from Cambodia with us today! His name is Hengly and he studied at the University of Opole! Let's read about his experience in Poland! Hello Hengly! Great to have you here with us today! Can I ask you to introduce yourself...
Accommodation in the student dormitories
Dear Students! Places in the student dormitories for candidates and students for the upcoming 2022/2023 were allocated. The list of names and surnames were posted on the Campus website. In the case you do not need an accommodation in the...
Call for STM programmes within FORTHEM
Faculties, departments, Student Union and other actors can apply for a FORTHEM Short Term Mobility status for their 5-day intensive courses. The deadline for applications is 12/09/2022, and the programmes should be organized between 01/03/2023 and 29/02/2024. One or...
Jesica in Athens
It is a new story time! This time Jesica will tell us about her Erasmus+ experience in Athens! Hey! Please introduce yourself and tell us about your hobbies! 🙂 Hello everyone! My name is Jesica, I am 24 years old and I am from Poland. I studied sociology at the...