Free Mock FCE & CAE Exams at University of Opole
In November the University of Opole Cambridge Exam Preparation Centre organizes the first, free of charge, mock exams at FCE (B2) and CAE (C1) levels with the use of original materials supplied by the University of Cambridge.
This is an incredible opportunity to test your language skills and to get a comprehensive package of information on how well you deal with such components of the exam as Reading, Listening, Use of English and Writing.
We invite all who want to test their knowledge of the English language:
13 Nov. 2017, 09.00 am – FCE exam – Main Library, Strzelców Bytomskich 2, room 132
13 Nov. 2017, 10.00 am – CAE exam – Main Library, Strzelców Bytomskich 2, room 132
18 Nov. 2017, 09 am – FCE exam – Collegium Maius, Kopernika 11A, room 207
18 Nov. 2017, 10 am – CAE exam – Collegium Maius, Kopernika 11A, room 207
Tel.: +48 775415937
Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Daria in Iran
Recently, Daria from the University of Opole fulfilled her one-month internship at the University of Mazandaran in Iran - a country with a rich history that played a key role in saving Polish lives during World War II, when approximately 41,000 civilians,...
International Cooking Day
This year's edition, after a two-year break caused by the pandemic, was organized for the first time in cooperation with the Politechnika Opolska on Friday, the 25th of November. The event was pleasing both to the stomach, as well as the eye because of the variety of...
International Cooking Day is back
International Cooking Day is backATTENTION STUDENTS! After a two-year break, the most delicious event in the Opole University of Technology returns and it is organized with the cooperation of the University of Opole We invite you all to the INTERNATIONAL COOKING DAY...
New organization of classes during 2022/2023 academic year
Dear Students! Please be informed that according to the Regulation no. 90/2022 by the Rector of the University of Opole from 7 of November 2022, the new organization of classes has been implemented. Some classes will be in a stationary mode, whereas others in the...
Erasmus+ office closed: Oct 25, 10am-1pm
On October 25, 2022 between from 10am to 1pm Erasmus+ office will be closed due to the participation of the staff in a training. We apologise for the inconvenience. Erasmus+ TeamW dniu 25.10.2022r., od 10 do 13 Biuro Programu Erasmus+ będzie nieczynne z powodu udziału...
Summer school through the eyes of KA107 guests
On 18-22 July 2022 University of Opole hosted 11 professors from 6 partner universities within Erasmus+ Programme, KA107 staff mobilities activity. Our guests had an opportunity to take part in the summer school Symbolic Boundaries & Multidisciplinary...
FORTHEM short-term mobilities for students – OPEN CALL
You can now apply for short-term mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance. You can choose from 10 collective mobilities or apply for an individual stay at one of the partner universities. Collective short-term mobilities: Exploring the circular economy in...
Olga from Greece – Erasmus+ in Opole
Hi everyone! It is great to be with you again! I am coming to share the experience of Olga, who decided to choose Opole as her Erasmus destination. Let's read her story 🙂 Hi Olga! It is great to have you here with us today! Can I ask you to introduce yourself to our...
Erasmus+ Office closed
Between the days 13-14 October 2022 (Thursday, Friday) Erasmus+ office will be closed. In urgent case plesae contact us under the following e-mail: We apologise for the inconvenience. W dniach 13.10.2022 (czwartek) i 14.10.202 (piątek) Biuro...
FORTHEM Campus on Digital Transformation in Valencia
Wyjedź na FORTHEM Campus on Digital Transformation organizowany na Uniwersytecie w Walencji w semestrze letnim 2022/23. Więcej informacji o Campusie znajdziesz: tutaj. Aby zarekrutować się na FORTHEM Campus weź udział w aktualnie trwającej rekrutacji na wyjazdy...