We’ve just started the new semester, but some of us still haven’t completed the previous one because they haven’t passed some of their exams yet. What can you do if something went wrong? First of all, you have always two attempts for each exam. If you fail both of them you’ve got a small problem. It happens, and the most important thing is not to panic, because there are three options that could follow.
You can conditionally be accepted to the next semester and retake the classes you failed. This option, however, is possible only if you failed no more than two courses, and if it’s not the last semester of your studies. To do it, you have to apply to the dean of your faculty and if s/he agrees – you must make a payment. The cost depends on the type of the failed class. It’s 250 zł for a regular or language course, 350 for laboratory classes and 100 zł for physical education.
Attention! You have to remember that usually there are some obligatory courses which you have to pass to be accepted to the next semester. If you fail them, it’s impossible to conditionally pass the semester.
You can also retake the whole semester or the whole year of studies. It’s the best option when you failed more than two classes or an obligatory course, or when it’s the last semester of your studies. In this case, you also have to apply to the dean of your faculty, and after her or his confirmation, you must make a payment. Unfortunately, it’s a little more expensive than the conditional promotion to the next semester. For repeating a semester you must pay either 600 zł – in case of regular programmes – or 700 zł if you study art or experimental studies.
If you fail to take up the aforementioned actions, you will be removed from the list of students. It’s the worst option, but even if it happens, you can apply to the dean of your faculty for being re-entered onto the list of students (you have 5 years to do that since the day they cross you out).
In special cases the rector can exempt you from the payments. If you think your situation qualifies as such, you have to apply to the rector for that.
Attention! You also need to have the credits for two trainings, namely, Library Training and Health and Safety at Work. You have to get the credits for them to be allowed to defend your thesis! If you missed any of them, there are always some additional dates when you can make it up.
Note that most this info concerns our regular students – if you fail during your mobility, the consequences (or lack of them) will happen at your university.

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