ikonka MOSTErasmus+ / MOST


Programme Erasmus+ offers financial support for institutions and organisations active in education and training, youths and sport in Europe.  Meeting the challenges put by European policy strategic documents (mainly by Europe 2020 strategy) the programme is to facilitate the process of developing skills of its participants and increasing their employment chances, and to modernize systems of education, trainings and youths’ support.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ system students can study and do placements in companies, organisations and institutions in foreign countries participating in the programme. Students of all three study cycles (BA, MA and PhD) can go abroad for as long as 12 months but for not less than 3 months (placement min. 2 months). Students of long cycle studies (MA- 5 or 6 years) can stay abroad for even 24 months.

More information: http://erasmusplus.uni.opole.pl/

The Students’ Mobility Programme (MOST) is a programme of student exchange between Polish universities based on the European programme Socrates. It was started in 1999 and first students left for other universities in the academic year 2000/2001. Eligible for the programme are those students who:

  • completed the second semester of long-cycle (MA) studies;
  • completed the second semester of first degree studies (BA);
  • completed the first semester of second degree studies (MA);

More information: http://most.amu.edu.pl/