
Will begin on
April 19, 2024

Subjects required for admission

Please, check what subjects are required for

About the programme

The English in Public Communication BA programme is an excellent opportunity for the students who would like to be able to face challenges of a highly competitive job market in an increasingly global society. The programme offers an integrated approach to public communication in such domains as politics, culture, society, management, business, and technology. As the programme is a comprehensive approach to public communication, it not only acquaints the students with a range of theoretical issues but, more importantly, aims to increase the students’ communicative abilities. Specifically, the students will learn to communicate effectively using various technologies and to develop their abilities to cooperate with others. Moreover, they will be given opportunities to recognize, increase and demonstrate their leadership potential.

The most important courses

All the courses offered within the program are instructed in English. Practical English courses comprising reading, listening, speaking, and grammar are designed to develop students’ language skills and help them attain a high level of proficiency in English (C1). Additionally, students develop a second foreign language at B2 level. Subject courses, including Public Communication and Public Relations, Cultural and Media Studies, Persuasion and Rhetoric, Communication as Critical Inquiry, or Intercultural Communication, develop and broaden students’ knowledge and skills in analyzing various communicative situations, managing information, and creating effective messages in a variety of media. EPC study programme offers such elective modules as: English in Business, English in Media and English and Polish as a Foreign Language

Admission requirements

In order to be eligible for English in Public Communication, first-cycle studies, candidates should meet the following requirements:

• Maturity diploma or an equivalent (i.e. secondary school leaving certificate);
• subjects: English and any subject of your choice (except English);
• B2 level language proficiency in English (confirmed with a recognized certificate or an online oral exam).

Admission requirements

In order to be eligible for English in Public Communication, first-cycle studies, candidates should meet the following requirements:

• Maturity diploma or an equivalent (i.e. secondary school leaving certificate);
• subjects: English and any subject of your choice (except English);
• B2 level language proficiency in English (confirmed with a recognized certificate or an online oral exam).