- an application to Rector with the request for being accepted without following regular admission procedures, or applying on other principles than those applying to Polish citizens (download the application).

- an application form signed by the candidate (printout from the Online Admission System IRK)

- an application to a given Admission Committee and documents confirming the entitlement to study pursuant to the rules applicable to Polish citizens if the candidate may (and want to) follow this course of enrolment (download the application)

- Polish secondary school leaving certificate (Matura exam certificate), or a diploma or some other document obtained abroad – legalised or with apostille attached – entitling its holder to take up a first-cycle programme in the country in which it was issued, recognised within the framework of nostrification regulations for diplomas of completing tertiary education obtained abroad or on the basis of international agreements as equal to a Polish certificate of secondary education (Matura exam).

- in the case of second-cycle programmes – diploma of the first-cycle studies completed in Poland, or a diploma or some other document – legalised or with apostille attached- confirming completion of a first-cycle programme abroad entitling its holder to take up a second-cycle programme in the country in which it was issued, recognised within the framework of nostrification regulations for diplomas of completing tertiary education obtained abroad or on the basis of international agreements as equal to a Polish diploma of first-cycle studies.

The level of command of the Polish language allowing the candidate to take up studies in Polish at the University of Opole can by confirmed by:
- certificate of completion of a Polish language course
- certificate from the Language Summer School
- qualification interview conducted by a given Admission Committee

- insurance policy against health risks or accident for the time of education in Poland or the European Health Insurance Card

- photocopy of a passport, visa, residence card or other document authorizing the stay in the Republic of Poland – in the case of foreigners from outside the European Union, the Swiss Confederation or EFTA member states.

- four photographs (including one digital image) in accordance with requirements applied at issuing Polish identity cards (35×45 mm)