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More News

Dołącz do programu Buddy Erasmus+ / Join Buddy Erasmus+ programme

Dołącz do programu Buddy Erasmus+ / Join Buddy Erasmus+ programme

Dear students! We are in the market for smart, responsible, open-minded, creative types who would want to help the incoming international students settle at the University and in Opole. I.e. we are looking for the new Buddy mentors and you can become the next one!...

Fun expedition to Moszna and Bierkowice

Fun expedition to Moszna and Bierkowice

The 1 of June is the International Kid’s day, but not only children had fun this Wednesday, but also our dear Erasmus students of Opole University. Erasmus Office prepared a wonderful day trip which has began with visiting the open air Museum of Rural Architecture....

Intercultural Movie Thursdays 04 – Louder Than Bombs

Hello students of University of Opole! Once again we have a movie night on Thursday the 7th of April at 7pm at the Meduza cinema. This week we will be watching “Louder Than Bombs” by Joachim Trier. It’s a  drama about the lingering fallout of sudden, devastating loss...

Intercultural Workshops / Warsztaty międzykulturowe

Intercultural Workshops / Warsztaty międzykulturowe

More than 150 pupils from Wieluń junior high school and high school visited the Institute of Sociology of the University of Opole to work with the concept of the otherness during the intercultural workshops organized by the students’ organization Hello! and our...

Intercultural Meeting 25.01.2016

Intercultural Meeting 25.01.2016

Today's exposition was about the Project Based Learning, one of the Erasmus classes from the pedagogical institute. 16 students (and a teacher) from 7 countries showed their cultures to the guests in the exhibition room of the Studenckie Centrum Kultury. First, they...