The project entitled: ‘Open University of Opole – building capacity for internationalisation’ is a continuation of the Welcome to Poland program from 2020. The aim of the project is to support the process of internationalisation through academic cooperation with foreign entities, to raise the competencies of academic staff and, as a result, to broaden the institution’s potential in regard to the number of international guests and students.
All objectives will be pursued with the simultaneous operation and development of the Welcome Centre point, created in the previous edition of Welcome to Poland.
The project includes following activities:
- Maintaining and developing the activities of the Welcome Centre
- Translation of internal documents into English
- Organisation of training for the University’s staff
- Development of a Welcome Guide
- Welcome packages for international students
- Organisation of workshops for students
- Organisation of integration meetings
- Creation of instructional videos
- Production of a virtual tour around the campus
- Promotional trips abroad
- Graphic design and printing of informational and promotional materials
Completion date: June 2023 – May 2025.
Budget: PLN 348,723.
Source of funding: Welcome to Poland program of the National Academic Exchange Agency