Aktualności / News
Photography contest results / Wyniki konkursu fotograficznego
Photography contest results As part of the "UO in a Multicultural Melting Pot - multiculturalism in academia" project, a photography contest was held to present the perspective of students studying at the University of Opole and to entice potential future...
Andrzej M. – exhibition in the GALLERY -m-
Andrzej M. i osoby kuratorskie: Julia Brodziak, Julia Chlebicka, Mateusz Domeradzki, Natalia Krawczyk, Tatiana Kyryliuk, Emilia Nawrocka, Emilia Piątek, Aneta Pikuła, Krzysztof Tarnowski, Anna Zadworna Andrzej M. to wystawa w klimacie andrzejkowym, a zarazem nasza...
students photo contest
Photograph Opole, show why studying here is worth it and win prizes! The University of Opole would like to announce a photography competition aimed at the students of UO! Take a photo that references the student and academic community of Opole and incorporates the...
UO in a Cultural Melting Pot – Multiculturalism in Academia /vol. 4
The University of Opole would like to invite all to the „FORUM THEATRE, or how to face discrimination” workshop led by dr Marzanna Pogorzelska, which will be held on November 21st at 10:00 at the Students’ Cultural Center (95 Katowicka St). We’ll talk about ways in...
UO in a Cultural Melting Pot – Multiculturalism in Academia /vol. 3
We would like to invite all to the ”Foreigners in Opole and the academic environment” scientific debate conducted by mgr Marcin Deutschmann, which will take place on November 7th at 10:15 at the Students’ Cultural Center (95 Katowicka St). In this debate,...
FORTHEM for students – open call
You can now apply for short-term mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance. You can choose from 11 collective mobilities or apply for an individual stay at one of the partner universities. Collective short-term mobilities: Contemporary Security Agenda: From Soft...
Rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia do Albanii lub Czarnogóry w ramach Programu Erasmus+
Drodzy Studenci, Rusza nowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia w Albanii i Czarnogórze w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w semestrze zimowym roku ak. 2024/2025! Rekrutacja potrwa od 03.04.2024 do 16.04.2024 Każdy regularny student Uniwersytetu Opolskiego może wziąć...
Recruitment for mobilities to Albania and Montenegro within the Erasmus+ Programme
Dear Students,The new recruitment for mobilities for studies in Albania and Montenegro within the Erasmus+ Programme during the winter semester 2024/205 a.y. starts now! Recruitment lasts from 03.04.2024 to 16.04.2024 Every regular student of the University of Opole...
Erasmus + Office hours on 25.04.2024
On April 25, 2024 Erasmus+ office will be open until 2 p.m. Erasmus+ TeamW dniu 25.04.2024 biuro Erasmus+ będzie otwarte do godziny 14. Erasmus+ Team
Erasmus office hours on 08.03.2024
On March 8, 2024, the Office for Research and Project Management (including Erasmus+) will be open until 1 p.m. Erasmus+ TeamW dniu 08.03.2024 Biuro Nauki i Obsługi Projektów (w tym Erasmus+) będzie otwarte do godziny 13. Erasmus+ Team
Workshops on disabilities and accessibility successfully concluded!
We have successfully concluded another workshop for students, this time on the topic of disabilities and accessibility.🤗 During the meeting students had the opportunity to get detailed information in regard to the notion of disability and the lives of people...
Recruitment for mobilities for FORTHEM Campus at the University of Burgundy
ATTENTION: Recruitment only for the students of Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology The International Mobility Team of the Office for Research and Project Management between 4 - 15 March 2024...