UO for International Students – capacity building in terms of internationalization, admission and support of international students at the University of Opole
The number of international students at the University of Opole increases rapidly every year. Constant internationalization of the University poses a challenge in regard with employees who interact with foreigners on a daily basis. In order to maximize their effectiveness, International Students Office of the Opole University designed a project, meant to broaden cultural intelligence.
Funding source: Welcome to Poland by National Agency for Academic Exchange
Budget: 176 020,00 PLN
The main activities connected to the Project include:
- Establishing the Welcome Centre – an information desk for international candidates and students.
- Preparing a series of workshops for students, connected to the Polish language and culture.
- Preparing a series of workshops for students, connected to intercultural knowledge.
- Establishing the Mentor Program.
- Designing and translating guide books of the University campus and the city of Opole.
- Distribution of welcome packs for international students.
- Preparing promotional materials, representing international students and their experiences in regard with studies at the University of Opole.
- Preparing Virtual Open Days for candidates.
The project will positively affect integration of international and Polish students and strengthen the effects of intercultural cooperation in regard with academic and leisure activities.
The project has been founded by the Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange and its implementation has been planned for June 2021 – May 2023.
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