Registration for the summer semester variable course

Dear Students!


The first round of electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022 starts on December 03, 2021.


–       Each course is 15 hours long.

–       Students are required to review their plan of study in terms of the category (humanities, social sciences, general, modern foreign language) from which they are expected to take a university-wide variable course in a given semester.

–       Students take a university-wide variable course from a discipline that is not the lead discipline of their field of study.

–       Each course has been assigned to only one of the categories (humanities, social, general). A course code contains the symbol of the category it is in (H, S, O).

–       A course can also be conducted in a modern foreign language, with the code JO. There are courses in humanities and social sciences delivered in the modern foreign language with the codes JO-H and JO-S. The list of these courses can be found HERE.

–       A student studying at more than one program may complete one course in a given semester after obtaining the Dean’s consent to recognize the course he/she is taking on the other program.

–       A student may complete a particular course once in the entire cycle of study.

–    Part-time students take variable university-wide courses amounting to 9 hours. Course classes for part-time students shall be conducted taking into account classes (weekend sessions) on particular programs.

Registration for courses will be held in two rounds:

1st round of registration: 3-10 December 2021 (registration on the USOSweb website – HERE).

2nd round of registration: 28 February -7 March (registration on the USOSweb website – HERE).

Answers to the most frequently asked questions, contact details of persons responsible for the courses in particular units of the University of Opole, and the rules of variable university-wide courses can be found HERE.



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