How internationalisation is seen at the University of Opole

NAWa-Welcome to Poland
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The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of  Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project Increasing competencies of academic staff and institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome to Poland executed under the Action specified in the application for project funding POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.

How internationalisation is seen at the University of Opole (perspectives of students and staff)

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W dniu 10.01.2025 Biuro Erasmus+ będzie czynne tylko do 13:30 z powodu szkolenia pracowników Biura.On 10.01.2025 the Erasmus+ Office will be open only until 13:30 due to the training of the office workers.