Intercultural experience through our eyes

Erasmus students studying „Intercultural Competences As The Key To Effective Communication In The Global World” course are presenting the project based on their own experiences in Poland. During the presentation, you will have the opportunity to see a short video and a piece of Forum theatre prepared by students. We hope that both video and the Forum theatre will give us the chance to discuss and reflect on students’ experiences in a special and inspirational way!

Be with us on January 23rd, 7 p.m. at “Skrzat” club (Mrowisko student house, ground floor).

More details here.

P. S. Forum theatre (“Theatre of the Oppressed”) was created by Augusto Boal and is aimed at making people realize and reflect on the oppressive situations in order to activate them into social change).

Accommodation in the student dormitories

Accommodation in the student dormitories

Dear Students!   Places in the student dormitories for candidates and students for the upcoming 2022/2023 were allocated.   The list of names and surnames were posted on the Campus website.   In the case you do not need an accommodation in the...