Sociologist of Religion visiting the University of Opole

The Institute of Sociology will be hosting a colleague from the Southern Denmark University, professor Martin Lindhardt, during the next week. He did research on Pentecostalism in Chile and Tanzania and will be working with the students for several days. If you are interested in the issues connected to religion, you can join the classes taught by professor Lindhardt. See the list below.

  • Religious Pluralism and Public Sphere

    • Monday, Dec. 4. – 11.45 – 13.15, Collegium Civitas, room 102
    • Social Differentiation and Cultural Diversity class by Dr. Michal Wanke
    • (Intercultural Communication, MA in Sociology)
  • Language in Religious Socialization: Ritual Communication and Language Ideologies

      • Tuesday Dec. 5. – 10.30 – 12.00, Collegium Maius, room 307
      • Basics of Communication class by Dr. Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska
      • (English in Public Communication, BA)
  • Pentecostalism in Latin America (Chile) and Africa (Tanzania)

      • Tuesday, Dec. 5. – 13.00 – 14.30, Collegium Civitas, room 114
      • Sociological Imagination class by Dr. Borys Cymbrowski
      • (Intercultural Communication, MA in Sociology)
  • Religious Market/Market Theories of Religion and the Commodification of Religion

    • Wednesday, Dec. 6. – 14.00 – 14.45, Collegium Civitas, room 102
    • Culture and Economy class by Prof. Robert Geisler (
    • (Intercultural Communication II, MA in Sociology)

The visit is carried out within the framework of Erasmus+ programme, and we also invite all students who are interested in studying at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense.

The tour around Opole

The tour around Opole

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Recruitment: Saturday working hours

Recruitment: Saturday working hours

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