Inauguration Day

His Magnificence the Rector and the Senate of the University of Opole  invite all students to take part in one of the most important days of the academic year – the Inauguration Ceremony.

Among the invited guests there are well-known public figures like, Marian Zembala, one of the best heart surgeons in Poland, and a special guest Jarosław Gowin – Minister of Science and Higher Education.

All students willing to participate in the celebration are invited to the inauguration which will take place on the 11th of October, at 12.00 pm in the Lecture Theatre of the Faculty of Theology.

If you want to participate in this event, meet us in front of Niechcic at 11.20 or you can go right there (Drzymały 1a).

The tour around Opole

The tour around Opole

  On the 2nd of October 2023 new students of the University of Opole had the opportunity to participate in a walk around Opole with professional guides. That was a multicultural event and students went sightseeing in Polish- or English-speaking groups. As a...

Recruitment: Saturday working hours

Recruitment: Saturday working hours

Dear Candidates! In order to facilitate the process of submitting original documents, we would like to inform you about Saturday working hours in the International Students Office. The office will be open on July 22 and 29 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Our address:...