Afghanistan Cultural Night at the University of Opole
The event will be held at the Student Culture Center on June 13 at 8 pm. It is organized by the group of a dozen Afghan students who came to Opole to study at the Institute of Sociology within the framework of Erasmus+ programme for partner countries (Key Action 107) or study in the Intercultural Communication programme.
It will start with a welcoming speech emphasizing the importance of intercultural contact between representatives of different societies which will be followed by a presentation about Afghanistan and its cultural and traditional customs. During the event Afghan traditional music will be played and students will wear traditional clothes and dance traditional Afghan dance.
Some Afghan traditional food will be served, such as Qabuli, Karaii, Qurma, and salads or a local drink (Dogh). All students and staff as well as the general public are warmly invited to join.

A week of concerts, and various interesting events begins on the 20th of May. In only 5 days we begin "Piastonalia" - the Festival of Students. Numerous concerts, and events will take place on the UO campus (20-22.05) and Opole Technical University campus...

The first workshop on equal treatment
"How does it feel?" the first workshop for international students First workshops for international students are behind us – we have been talking about stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination, also in academic context. It’s been a good opportunity to share...

Erasmus+ Internship
Dear Students, The Erasmus+ Office invites you all to the meeting dedicated to internships abroad under the Erasmus+ Programme. During the meeting you will have a chance to find out: How to apply for the mobility? How to find a suitable place for a traineeship? How...

Variable Course Registration
Dear Students On the 6th of May, at 8 a.m., registration for the winter semester variable course was opened. As usual, we advise you to go to USOSweb and look through the courses in advance, because you will have to fish them out from the list where English and Polish...

How does it feel? – workshops for foreign students of Opole University
Dear Students I am inviting you to the workshop devoted to equal treatment and social diversity issues at Opole University. During the event you will get knowledge about stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination and microaggression in different aspects of personal...

Welcome to UO! Szkolenie dla pracowników Uniwersytetu
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Polish Educational Mission in Uzbekistan
The University of Opole participated in the Polish Educational Mission in Uzbekistan Representatives of our university, Prof. Janusz Słodczyk, Vice-Rector for Research and Finace and Dr Michał Wanke, coordinator of the Section for International Study Programmes,...

Opole European Star for the UO
Active international cooperation of the UO highly appreciated by the Board of Opole Voivodeship On 24th April 2019, a special gala took place in the Opole Concert Hall, during which the competition ‘Partnership without borders - the Opole region 15 years in the...

International Weekends
The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project Increasing competencies of academic staff and institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome...

Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment
Dr. Marzanna Pogorzelska has been nominated for the position of the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment Dear Students, From now and on, the University of Opole is among the Polish universities, having the position of Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment. If...