The Second International Conference: Excellence and Sustainability in Education and Culture, Sibiu – Romania, 3-5 November 2017

Recently, the team of the International Study Programmes Office had a chance to visit Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, which is situated in the extremely attractive mountainous part of Romania. In the course of the meeting with the stuff of the International Department we found out that there are many issues that our universities have in common, in particular, in the area of international cooperation and dealing with foreign students. That is why a need for further cooperation and mutual exchange of experiences in the area of internationalization of studies appeared obvious and undeniable to all of us.

On November 03-05, 2017,  Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu together with Beijing Language and Culture University will hold The Second International Conference: Excellence and Sustainability in Education and Culture as well as Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Student Research Conference in the framework of the former. We were kindly invited to take part in those events and now it is our pleasure to extend this invitation to you.

The Conference is meant to be a meeting point for all those people, scholars and key decision makers in the academic world, who have a significant impact and vision as far as the understanding and promotion of the Chinese language, culture, education, economy, etc., are concerned. It will be held in English and Chinese.

Thus, if you are interested, get familiar with the conference programme and timeline here. Information for students, including conference topics and deadlines, can be found here.

Deadline for applications and abstract (300 words) submission expires on June 10, 2017.


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