Dear students,

Today we observe the International Mother Language Day, which is celebrated worldwide in order to stress the importance of preserving all the languages as a vital part of cultural heritage. The date commemorates the death of five students who were shot by the police in 1952 under Pakistan government, during a demonstration for recognizing Bengali as a national language of East Pakistan.

Although we do not approve of overusing your mother language in the multinational environment of the university, today might be the best way to talk about your language and perhaps teach some of it to your friends from other countries.

Abiola from Nigeria

Abiola from Nigeria

Abiola Georgina Adebayo, student of Economics: concentration in Sustainable Development, MA degree In the past two years, our University is welcoming a growing number of students from Nigeria. One of them is Abiola Adebayo who came to the University of Opole to...

Mobile USOS

Mobile USOS

Class timetables, grades, questionnaires, documents, the newest information, search engine – you can have these and many other functions in your pocket! Mobile USOS application launches on 25 of January. Just log in and use it!Mobile USOS is the only mobile...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Dear Students, We are pleased to share with you the Chrsitmas and New Year’s wishes from the Rector of the University of Opole: 'I would like to wish you healthy and pieceful Christmas which will be fulfilled with hope that we can meet each other next year in a...

Student ID card

Student ID card

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