I Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe (kick-off meeting) w ramach projektu ReThink Finance w Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
W dniach 19-20 maja br. na Uniwersytecie las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Hiszpania) odbyło się pierwsze „na żywo” Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe uczestników projektu KA220 Partnerstwa dla współpracy (nr 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000029551) pt: „ReThink...
III Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe zespołów INSTEpp w Kadyksie
W dniach 26-28 kwietnia 2022 roku w Kadyksie, w Hiszpanii odbyło się III Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe zespołów w ramach projektu KA203 – Partnerstwa Strategiczne (Nr. 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081905) pt: „Innowacyjne kształcenie studentów nauk medycznych i nauk o...
Accommodation The University of Opole offers accommodation in the one of four dormitories. In order to receive a confirmation of accommodation which will be addressed personally to you, you are obliged to attach Application for a place at the dormitory in the IRK...
Take part in Intensive Training for Economics Teachers! 2nd call
Application procedure available here Application documents shall be submitted by candidates till 11th May 2022 to Mrs. Halina Palmer-Piestrak from Erasmus+ Office, KMICIC hall, 31 Grunwaldzka Street Więcej aktualności

FORTHEM short-term mobilities for students – OPEN CALL
You can now apply for short-term mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance. You can choose from 10 collective mobilities or apply for an individual stay at one of the partner universities. Collective short-term mobilities: Exploring the circular economy in...

Olga from Greece – Erasmus+ in Opole
Hi everyone! It is great to be with you again! I am coming to share the experience of Olga, who decided to choose Opole as her Erasmus destination. Let's read her story 🙂 Hi Olga! It is great to have you here with us today! Can I ask you to introduce yourself to our...
Documents for mobility
Mobility for Studies: Step by Step
Here you will find all the details on how to perform mobility for studies Step by Step…
Partner Universities
List of all the Partners Universities of University of Opole, according to each Faculty and Institute…
Documents: Students Mobilities for Studies
List of all the necessary documents for Student Mobility for Study in English. Application Form, Learning Agreement, Statements…
Mobility for Traineeship: Step by Step
Here you will find all the details on how to perform mobility for traineeship Step by Step…
Traineeships offers
Here you will find the most recent traineeships offers. Check them out and choose something for you…
Documents: Students Mobilities for Traineeships
List of all the necessary documents for Student Mobility for Traineeship in English. Application Form, Learning Agreement, Statements…
Q&A about the Erasmus+ Programme
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the possibilities of the Erasmus+ Programme…
How to succesfully finish the mobility?
Here you will find the list of all the necessary documents and procedures you will have to finish after your mobility to succesfully close it…
Scholarship rates for Studies and Traineeships
Scholarship rates for mobilities for study and traineeships within the Erasmus+ Programme…
Erasmus+ Coordinators/ Program Coordinators
List of the Institutional Coordinators of University of Opole…
Jak zakończyć i rozliczyć mobilność?
Tutaj znajdziesz listę wszystkich niezbędnych dokumentów i procedur, które będziesz musiał dopełnić po mobilności aby ją zamknąć i rozliczyć z sukcesem…
Erasmus+ within the Partner countries (KA107)
Here you will find more information about the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Programme within the Partner countries…
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