Aktualności / News
Szanowni Państwo, Z dniem 5 września ogłaszamy rekrutację dla pracowników UO zainteresowanych odbyciem mobilności w celu prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych (STA) bądź w celu odbycia szkolenia (STT). Wymagane dokumenty należy złożyć do 23 września 2019 r. w biurze...
New address and office hours of the Erasmus+ Office
Nowy adres i godziny otwarcia Biura Erasmus+
Zmiana lokalizacji Biura Erasmus+/Erasmus+ office relocation
Due to the office relocation between 15th - 26th July the Erasmus+ Office will be closed. In urgent cases meetings possible by prior email arrangement. Apologizes for the inconvenience. Our new address you will find here. Erasmus+ Team W związku ze zmianą...
Zmiana godzin otwarcia Biura Erasmus+/Change in the Erasmus+ Office hours
On 10 July 2019 (Wednesday) Erasmus+ office will be open from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Between 11-12 July 2019 (Thursday-Friday) Erasmus+ office will be closed due to office relocation. In urgent cases, please contact us under the following e-mail:...
Zmiana godzin otwarcia Biura / Change in the office hours
Between the days 25-27 June 2019 (Tuesday-Thursday) Erasmus+ office will be open from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. On 28 June 2019 (Friday) Erasmus+ office will be closed due to office relocation. In urgent cases, please contact us under the following e-mail:...
New office hours
Dear Students! Please be informed that due to the growing amount of work connected to admission process, the schedule of our office hours changes: Monday - 10 am. – 2 pm. Tuesday - 10 am. – 2 pm. Wednesday - closed Thursday - 10 am. – 2 pm. Friday - 10 am. – 2 pm....
English language oral exams for 2022/2023 admission process (22.06/ 23.06)
Dear Candidates, the below-attached link can be used to register for oral interviews for study programmes conducted in English. The interviews are planned to be carried out on 22.06.2022 and 23.06.2022. Those candidates who cannot provide a language proficiency...
Registration for entrance exams for candidates for Biology, concentration in Palaeobiology, full-time English MA study programme
Dear Candidates, the below-attached link can be used to register for oral exams for Biology, concentration in Palaeobiology, full-time English MA study programme. The interviews are planned to be carried out on 21.06.2022. All candidates for Biology, concentration in...
Electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester
Dear Students! The first round of electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023 starts on June 01, 2022. It is important that each student, before registering in the account...
I Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe (kick-off meeting) w ramach projektu ReThink Finance w Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
W dniach 19-20 maja br. na Uniwersytecie las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Hiszpania) odbyło się pierwsze „na żywo” Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe uczestników projektu KA220 Partnerstwa dla współpracy (nr 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000029551) pt: „ReThink...
English language oral exams for 2022/2023 admission process (8.06 & 9.06)
Dear Candidates, the below-attached link can be used to register for oral interviews for study programmes conducted in English. The interviews are planned to be carried out on 8.06.2022 and 9.06.2022. Those candidates who cannot provide a language proficiency...