Dear Students,
Attention please! There are no classes on Monday (after 12 pm) until Wednesday.
It’s time to start the Piastonalia, series of events which connect all students in Opole. What kind of attractions await us in the coming week? Multiply numbers of concerts, additional attractions, and most importantly – great fun, for example:
SUNDAY (21.05, Campus of the University of Opole)
At 8.30 pm the Opole University Big Band will play ambient sounds for us. Additionally, JAM SESSION is planned afterwards! If you feel like joining it, do not hesitate to come.
MONDAY (22.05, Campus of the University of Opole)
On Monday you may enjoy club music. DJ Triks, DJ Rossi, DJ Don Pablo, and DJ Dee Push will secured us good fun.
TUESDAY (23.05, Campus of the University of Opole)
On Tuesday we will have a pleasure to listen to Sayes, XannaX, Smolik, and Gooral.
WEDNESDAY (24.05, Different parts of the city)
We invite you all to join a common march of all students.
The parade will start at 1.00 pm on the campus of Opole University of Technology (Mikolajczyk Street). The route will be then run by the campus of Opole University and the next stop will be the market square.
Later on, concerts of LOREM, KASA, Mrozu, and Poparzeni Kawą Trzy are planned on the campus of Opole University.
THURSDAY (25.05, the commons of Opole University of Technology)
This day belongs to following artists: 47 Horses, Dejw, Łobuzy, POWER PLAY. They will play concerts on the commons of Opole University of Technology.
However, there will be still many attractions on the campus of UO. One of them is food trucks, which provide flavours from all over the world. Food trucks will stay on the campus until Friday.
FRIDAY (26.05, the commons of Opole University of Technology)
On Friday we invite you to join concerts of The Perfumes, Cała Góra Barwników, Lao Che, and ENEJ.
SATURDAY (27.05, the commons of Opole University of Technology)
On this day explosion of color is one of the most awaited attractions. It will be accompanied by sounds of club music performed by DJ Don Pablo, DJ Triks, DJ Marc Rossi, and DJ Dee Push. In addition, a great barbeque is also planned.
These are only some of the attractions which are waiting for us. All concerts are free of charge. However, you may be asked to show your student ID at the entrance. Don’t forget to carry it with you. Don’t hesitate to ask your buddy mentor about details if you have any questions.
Have fun!
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