On May 10, 2017 we invite you all to participate in VIII Giełda Pracy of the University of Opole organised by Academicki Centrum Karier UO. This is the event held annually to make it easier for the students and graduates to find out about job offers, internships and traineeships they can take advantage of.
The first part of the event will take place from 10 am till 2 pm at Budynek Główny UO, ul. 48 Oleska str., in the hall on the first floor. You will have a chance to meet representatives of the most important companies on the regional scale, including leaders on the national and international markets, labour market institutions as well as associations supporting entrepreneurship.
There are about 10 various workshops dealing with different areas, organized this year.
Workshops held on 10.05.2017:
Atos: An Introduction to SAP / SAP HANA, 10-11 am, room 10-11, conference room in Kmicic dormitory.
NUTRICIA: Wszystko co chciałeś wiedzieć o Assesment Center, ale bałeś się zapytać, 10-12 am., sala teatralna SCK
BCF Software: Introduction to Project Management, 10-11 am, room 119 Collegium Civitas
PwC SDC: Czy praca w sektorze nowoczesnych usług biznesowych może być rozwojowa?, 11-12 am., room 104 Collegium Civitas
Fundacja Aktywizacja: Aktywne metody poszukiwani pracy, 11:30 am, -1.30 pm, conference room in Kmicic dormitory.
PwC SDC: Work In_Ms Excel, 1 pm-3 pm, room 16 Collegium Civitas
Contact Center One: Jak się odnaleźć na obecnym rynku pracy? 2 pm-3 pm, room 204 Collegium Civitas
Capgemini: Poznaj nas lepiej – wskazówki dotyczące rekrutacji do Capgemini, 2 pm-4 pm, room 112, Collegium Civitas
PRUDENTIAL: Twój biznes za nasze pieniądze, 2:15 pm-4:15 pm, room 212 Collegium Civitas
The second part of the event (3 pm-5 pm) will be dedicated to the debate, during which all the participants, including Science and Technology Park, Opole City Hall and government representatives as well as scholars, students and entrepreneurs will discuss, among other topics, the position of international students on the labour market, competences that are on demand in Opole, the situation with traditional areas of work and studies.
As you can see, some workshops are going to be conducted in English – feel free to apply by sending an
e-mail to szkolenia@uni.opole.pl with the name of the choosen workshop and your name. We also encourage you to team up with your Polish friends who will be willing to practise their translation skills and assist you in terms of the Polish language. For each workshop you will get a certificate of completion.
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