Very often, once grown up, we forget how cool it is to play games. Last week, prof. Susan Yelich Biniecki, a visiting scholar from US, reminded the Intercultural Communication students that games can be very useful revealing a lot about life, justice, our cultures and personalities. We found out how it feels to be privileged or underprivileged, and what might be the consequences of interaction between the former and the latter. This game and our participation in it can be interpreted in different ways, but most importantly, it has left us something we should think about.

Welcome Centre

Welcome Centre

Dear Students! We are happy to invite you to the Welcome Centre of the University of Opole, where you can get information and assistance regarding your studies and stay in Poland. The Welcome Centre is operating as a part of the International Students Office. Our...

About In Between? – Neighbours Meet in the Borderlands

About In Between? – Neighbours Meet in the Borderlands

Dear Students! ​In Between? is an educational project for students interested in exploring the history of the European borderland regions. The participants are given a unique opportunity to conduct academic research using oral history methodology and learn how to...

City game for Erasmus students

City game for Erasmus students

On the 15th of May, Poland loosened its pandemic restrictions. Therefore, our Buddy mentors and students from the Master of Liberal Arts program organized the city game for Erasmus+ students. The idea of the event was to introduce our Erasmus students to the Opole...