Dear students,

Today we observe the International Mother Language Day, which is celebrated worldwide in order to stress the importance of preserving all the languages as a vital part of cultural heritage. The date commemorates the death of five students who were shot by the police in 1952 under Pakistan government, during a demonstration for recognizing Bengali as a national language of East Pakistan.

Although we do not approve of overusing your mother language in the multinational environment of the university, today might be the best way to talk about your language and perhaps teach some of it to your friends from other countries.



Dear Students, Attention please! There are no classes on Monday (after 12 pm) until Wednesday. It’s time to start the Piastonalia, series of events which connect all students in Opole. What kind of attractions await us in the coming week? Multiply numbers of concerts,...

Quo Vadis, Iuvenis?

Quo Vadis, Iuvenis?

Some of our students never miss a chance to develop their professional skills, broaden their horizons, travel and meet new people, participating in the conferences. Arif Siswanto, our Intercultural Communication MA student, has kindly agreed to share his experience...

Holy Saturday Trip around Opole

Holy Saturday Trip around Opole

It is Easter time for Roman Catholics and other Christian denominations. Starting as early as last Thursday, the religious and traditional celebrations begun. The main holiday is on Sunday, when it is believed that Jesus Christ resurrected. Some Poles celebrate it...