We were invited to the Contemporary Art Gallery on Tuesday, 21. of June to see an exhibition and take part in a concert. Have a look at the photos below and read, what our students thought about it.
We had our excursion at the Modern Art Gallery. We had a nice guide Natalia, who was very enthusiastic, and with a confident command of English. We have been presented the exhibition of works created by Ben Muthofer – German artist of Polish origin (was born and spent his childhood in Opole actually) – masterpieces dedicated to the 25th anniversary of German-Polish reconciliation, and given to the Modern Art Gallery as a present by the author himself. Ben Muthofer is a representative of concrete art (germ. Konkrete Kunst). The peculiarity of this style is that the art is exactly what you see (as we were explained – it’s totally opposite to the abstract art to which we are used, normally). Concrete art is about form and color. No imagination, no sentiments – just shape. We have been also told about the biography of Ben Muthofer and his artistic development. Afterwards, we had a chance to attend a concert of Polish folk band ‘Niezłe Ziółka’ who sang traditional Polish songs about female life in former times: about a search for a husband, about a loss of beloved ones and, of course, about fun and festivities, which was an inevitable part of social life. This was our evening.
It was a very nice experience for me to visit Opole contemporary art gallery.This gallery has owned its history, it symbolizes Polish and German friendship because its artworks are made by a German artist. This artist was living in Opole but during 2nd world war, he went to Germany to protect his self and his family from war destruction when the Soviet counter-strike start. His name is Ben Muthofer. After many years Muthofer able to comeback Opole.Then he decides to give something city to which is will be permanent there so he will be in Opole all the time. Then he gave his own artwork to Opole as a gift.These artworks are very nice and they are unusual do not expect some flower painting these are really different and beautiful works.
Also, I had a chance to listen to Polish folk music.It was amazing for me I did not understand any meaning but I feel their emotion.There was very deep emotion.
This traditional concert is coming from very old times so you can see and feel a little part of pure Polish culture.
It was a very nice experience to see Polish culture and German art and their friendship.
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