The 1 of June is the International Kid’s day, but not only children had fun this Wednesday, but also our dear Erasmus students of Opole University. Erasmus Office prepared a wonderful day trip which has began with visiting the open air Museum of Rural Architecture. The weather was perfect for such place with lot’s of trees, old wooden houses of 18 century, traditional crafts of Opole region and of course cute farm animals. Some of students could even try to make their own pottery. The excursion was held by a teacher of the oldest primary school in Opole, which was the next stop of the trip. School is located in quiet and cosy village, during this visit students could see the museum part with pictures, antiques and learn more about the history of our region.
And the last but not the least was the Moszna Castle. Amazing architecture, breathtaking gardens and maybe short but interesting history of this place took the whole afternoon to explore it’s wonders. Going home everyone was tired but hopefully they enjoyed the day!
If you don’t believe us, read what our students think about it 😉
First of all, I really like these initiatives that the Erasmus office is taking. We have a great chance to discover new things that otherwise we would not have an idea about. As considered the trip to Mozna(I don’t know if the spelling is correct) I had a great time both in the village and palace. There were people guiding us all the time, giving us the opportunity to learn interesting things about the history and culture of our university’s city, Opole. The sight-seeing was absolutely amazing and for sure, personally, it is a remarkable memory.
Під час мого навчання в Опольському університеті Еразмус офіс допомагає зробити моє проживання тут не лише легшим, а й цікавішим. Екскурсія в Музей села та замок Можна є яскравим прикладом цього – нас забрали з гуртожитку та відвезли до нього, забезпечили гідом та нагодували. Окрім цього ми побачили, як виглядає традиційне життя у польських селах, спостерігали за роботами народних майстрів, а також мали можливість спробувати себе у деяких ремеслах. Особливо захоплюючим був візит замку, його чудові апартаменти та чарівний сад знімають напруженість, допомагають розслабитись та набратись сил напередодні складання іспитів.
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