Token registration for foreign language courses and exams

Token registration for foreign language courses and exams

SJO invites all students to read the terms and conditions of registration for summer semester language courses and registration for foreign language exams in the summer session. The registration is conducted on the USOSweb platform in student's section >...

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Kolejny projekt Partnerstw Strategicznych zakończony sukcesem!

Kolejny projekt Partnerstw Strategicznych zakończony sukcesem!

Realizowany na Uniwersytecie Opolskim w terminie od 01.11.2020 do 31.08.2023 projekt Partnerstw Strategicznych KA203 (Nr. 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081905) pn. „Innowacyjne kształcenie studentów nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu, wynikające z lepszego dostosowania oferty...

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Documents for mobility

Mobility for Studies: Step by Step

Here you will find all the details on how to perform mobility for studies Step by Step…

Partner Universities

List of all the Partners Universities of University of Opole, according to each Faculty and Institute…

Documents: Students Mobilities for Studies

List of all the necessary documents for Student Mobility for Study in English. Application Form, Learning Agreement, Statements…

Mobility for Traineeship: Step by Step

Here you will find all the details on how to perform mobility for traineeship Step by Step…

Traineeships offers

Here you will find the most recent traineeships offers. Check them out and choose something for you…

Documents: Students Mobilities for Traineeships

List of all the necessary documents for Student Mobility for Traineeship in English. Application Form, Learning Agreement, Statements…

Q&A about the Erasmus+ Programme

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the possibilities of the Erasmus+ Programme…

How to succesfully finish the mobility?

Here you will find the list of all the necessary documents and procedures you will have to finish after your mobility to succesfully close it…

Scholarship rates for Studies and Traineeships

Scholarship rates for mobilities for study and traineeships within the Erasmus+ Programme…

Erasmus+ Coordinators/ Program Coordinators

List of the Institutional Coordinators of University of Opole…

Jak zakończyć i rozliczyć mobilność?

Tutaj znajdziesz listę wszystkich niezbędnych dokumentów i procedur, które będziesz musiał dopełnić po mobilności aby ją zamknąć i rozliczyć z sukcesem…

Erasmus+ within the Partner countries (KA107)

Here you will find more information about the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Programme within the Partner countries…

Tour de Pubs with Dominik

Tour de Pubs with Dominik

If you are a student who moved lately to Opole and you still don't know where to spend your free time with friends – Dominik lends you a hand! He is a student of psychology at the University of Opole who would like to help you with making your decissions easier!...

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Carla’s amazing trip to Iceland

Carla’s amazing trip to Iceland

(February 2020)Today, Carla from Spain would like to tell us about her trip to Iceland! Carla is from Galicia, which is in the north of Spain. She has been studying Labor Relations and Human Resources. Carla spent in Poland six months. She said ''Erasmus was an...

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Story of Nomi

Story of Nomi

Today our guest is 21 years old Nomi from China. Her real Chinese name is WuYuting, but she called herself Nomi, because she really loves this name and also this name is easy for everyone to remember. In China she studied international logistics management which she...

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Biuro Erasmus+ na mapie Opola

Biuro Erasmus+ Uniwersytetu Opolskiego