Aktualności / News
Staff mobility – visit to the University of Mazandaran, Iran
We encourage you to check the PRESENTATION on the visit of the teachers of the University of Opole to our iranian partner.Professors of the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Social Sciences visited the University of Mazandaran within the Erasmus +...
Hengly from Cambodia in Opole
Hello everyone! We have another special guest from Cambodia with us today! His name is Hengly and he studied at the University of Opole! Let's read about his experience in Poland! Hello Hengly! Great to have you here with us today! Can I ask you to introduce yourself...
Call for STM programmes within FORTHEM
Faculties, departments, Student Union and other actors can apply for a FORTHEM Short Term Mobility status for their 5-day intensive courses. The deadline for applications is 12/09/2022, and the programmes should be organized between 01/03/2023 and 29/02/2024. One or...
Jesica in Athens
It is a new story time! This time Jesica will tell us about her Erasmus+ experience in Athens! Hey! Please introduce yourself and tell us about your hobbies! 🙂 Hello everyone! My name is Jesica, I am 24 years old and I am from Poland. I studied sociology at the...
Airlangga Summer School 2022
Universitas Airlangga in Indonesia would like to invite you to apply for Airlangga Summer School 2022! Airlangga Summer School 2022 is one of the programs organized by the Accounting Student Association of Universitas Airlangga which aims to be a means for foreign...
Szkolenie studentów i kadry dydaktycznej w KADYKSIE
W dniach 23-27 maja 2022 roku w na Uniwersytecie w Kadyksie, w Hiszpanii odbyły się 5-dniowe programy intensywne – „Szkolenie i nauczanie poprawnej profilaktyki w ciąży i w połogu” dla studentów i kadry nauczycielskiej w ramach projektu KA203 – Partnerstwa...
The tour around Opole
On the 2nd of October 2023 new students of the University of Opole had the opportunity to participate in a walk around Opole with professional guides. That was a multicultural event and students went sightseeing in Polish- or English-speaking groups. As a...
UO in a Cultural Melting Pot – Multiculturalism in Academia /1
The programme is co-financed by the European Union and the funds from Samorząd Województwa Opolskiego.Dear Students! Meet us at the Students’ Cultural Center (95 Katowicka St) on Wednesday, October 4th at 9:45 to take part in our „Equality and diversity scientific...
Additional recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship during the spring semester of 2023/2024
Additional recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship within the framework of the Erasmus + Program during the spring semester of 2023/2024 ay.* The recruitment will last from 02.10.2023 to 10.10.2023 ** *** HOW TO APPLY FOR MOBILITY FOR STUDY: In the...
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na studia i praktyki w sem. letnim r. ak. 2023/2024 w ramach Programu Erasmus+
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia i praktyki za granicą w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w semestrze letnim r.ak. 2023/2024!* Rekrutacja potrwa od 02.10.2023 do 10.10.2023** ***JAK APLIKOWAĆ NA MOBILNOŚĆ NA STUDIA: W zakładce Uczelnie Partnerskie znajdź swoją...
4 Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe zespołów INSTEpp w Opolu
W dniach 4-5 lipca 2023 roku w Opolu odbyło się IV Międzynarodowe Spotkanie Projektowe zespołów w ramach projektu KA203 – Partnerstwa Strategiczne (Nr. 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081905) pt: „Innowacyjne kształcenie studentów nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu, wynikające z...
online Career Orientation Courses – JGU Mainz
Dear students, Below you can get familiar with the offer of online courses organized by our partner - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. ______________________________________________________________________ Are you looking for your ideal career choice after...