Aktualności / News
Biuro Erasmus+ zamknięte
W dniu 10.01.2025 Biuro Erasmus+ będzie czynne tylko do 13:30 z powodu szkolenia pracowników Biura.On 10.01.2025 the Erasmus+ Office will be open only until 13:30 due to the training of the office workers.
FORTHEM collective short-term mobility – PhD course “The city and its citizens: exploring planning processes”
Would you like to take part in a week-long activity as part of a group of international students? This programme gives you the opportunity to meet physically on site in one of the nine FORTHEM universities with around 25 other students.In this PhD course we will focus...
Rekrutacja na mobilności STA i STT dla pracowników UO, w ramach projektu KA171-2023
Szanowni Państwo, w związku z trwającym projektem w ramach Programu Erasmus+, Akcja 1 - Mobilność studentów i pracowników instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego wspieranych z funduszy polityki zewnętrznej KA171 2023, umowa nr 2023-1-PL01-KA171-HED-000123719) Biuro Nauki i...
FORTHEM SHORT-TERM MOBILITY – call for participants
You can now apply for short-term mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance. You can choose from 10 collective mobilities or apply for an individual stay at one of the partner universities. Collective short-term mobilities: Exploring the circular economy in...
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na studia i praktyki w semestrze letnim 2024/2025
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia i praktyki za granicą w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w semestrze letnim r.ak. 2024/2025!* Rekrutacja potrwa od 01.10.2024 do 11.10.2024**JAK APLIKOWAĆ NA MOBILNOŚĆ NA STUDIA: W zakładce Uczelnie Partnerskie znajdź swoją jednostkę...
Additional recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship during the spring semester of 2024/2025
Additional recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship within the framework of the Erasmus + Program during the spring semester of 2024/2025 ay.* The recruitment will last from 01.10.2024 to 11.10.2024** HOW TO APPLY FOR MOBILITY FOR STUDY: In the...
Mehmet Turunç From Turkiye- Erasmus+ Internship at the University of Opole
Between October 15 and January 20, thanks to the Erasmus+ Programme, I did my English Language Teaching internship at a primary school affiliated with Opole University. Through this traineeship, I acquired several professional skills critical for my future career as...
Token registration for foreign language course and exams 2024/2025
SJO invites all students to read the terms and conditions of registration for summer semester language courses and registration for foreign language exams in the summer session. The registration is conducted on the USOSweb platform in student’s section >...
Biuro Erasmus+ zamknięte
W dniu 10.01.2025 Biuro Erasmus+ będzie czynne tylko do 13:30 z powodu szkolenia pracowników Biura.On 10.01.2025 the Erasmus+ Office will be open only until 13:30 due to the training of the office workers.
FORTHEM collective short-term mobility – PhD course “The city and its citizens: exploring planning processes”
Would you like to take part in a week-long activity as part of a group of international students? This programme gives you the opportunity to meet physically on site in one of the nine FORTHEM universities with around 25 other students.In this PhD course we will focus...
Javier Palma Arco from Spain- Erasmus+ Internship at the University of Opole
My name is Javier Palma Arco, and I had the opportunity to participate in laboratory practice this past August at the University of Opole, Poland, in the Department of Biochemistry. Our work involved cultivating a series of cancer cell lines and testing the addition...
Lucía Fernández from Spain- Erasmus+ Internship at the University of Opole
My name is Lucía Fernández, and I am from Málaga, Spain. In August 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in a research internship at the University of Opole. The research project I participated in focused on searching for a potential treatment for cancer using...