Professor Steven Tuch at the Institute of Sociology, University of Opole
Last week we hosted professor Steven Tuch from the George Washington University in Washington DC, who was visiting the University of Opole within the framework of Erasmus+ exchange programme. Besides many fruitful meetings with the faculty members, his visit produced an interesting series of classes taught to our local and international students. The lectures covered the broad topics of quantitative analysis with SPSS and the racial attitudes in the United States. There was also a Q&A session where the students asked all kinds of interesting questions inducing equally fascinating answers about the life on American campuses, professional and research careers of students and personal academic experiences of professor Tuch.

International Mother Language Day
Dear students, Today we observe the International Mother Language Day, which is celebrated worldwide in order to stress the importance of preserving all the languages as a vital part of cultural heritage. The date commemorates the death of five students who were shot...

Finishing Strokes of Adaptation
Every Adaptation Week for our Erasmus students traditionally finishes with a Welcome Party, which is meant to show that at the Uni of Opole you can always find somebody … to dance with.

Welcome in the Summer Semester of 2016/2017
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of welcoming new Erasmus exchange students, who will be joining the University of Opole for the summer semester. The Erasmus officers and the Buddy Mentors took them for a walk around the central part of Opole during which they got...

Adaptation Week for Erasmus Students
Dear students, We hope you feel good after the stressful exam session and the short break was enough for you to recharge your batteries. Very soon the summer semester will start bringing totally new experiences to those who have been staying at UO, who went abroad or...

Want to learn Polish from scratch?
Apply for our Polish Philology with German programme
Dear students, We have the pleasure to announce the recruitment for Polish Philology with German. The programme has been designed for foreigners with no prior knowledge of the Polish language. The graduates of the 3-year BA programme will speak fluent Polish and good...
Warsztaty międzykulturowe/Intercultural Workshops
Kolejny raz jako organizacja Hello! mieliśmy przyjemność organizować warsztaty międzykulturowe we współpracy z Instytutem Socjologii i Studenckim Kołem Naukowym Socjologów. Tym razem naszymi gośćmi byli uczniowie z Zespołu Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 1 w Prudniku....

The Art of Gingerbread making
We met today for a special holiday class of the Art Projects in Public Spaces course (a joint venture by Institute of Art and Institute of Sociology) to... bake gingerbread together and have some spicy, nonalcoholic mulled wine. Happy holidays to all our...

Rector’s hours
Dear students, We’re pleased to announce that, due to rector’s hours, the holiday break begins at noon on December 23rd. Any classes which are scheduled for the morning that day should take place, but after 12 a.m. passes, there begin our nine days of free time! Until...

Christmas Fair in Opole
From now and on till 21 December 2016 Rynek square in Opole is full of festive spirit - holidays are coming, which has been marked today with opening of the City Christmas Fair. The City Tower at the moment is neighbouring with wooden houses, some of which offer a...
On 5th of December we wake up early. Summer semester variable course registration
Dear students, On the 5th of December a registration for variable courses is going to open. At the University of Opole each semester (apart from the first one) you can choose one course from any faculty of the University. On the 5th of December you register to a...